🖤I Love Paining You🖤

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Author's Pov

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Author's Pov

The time around her got frozen where as she felt like every single thing surround her fell into a deep pit of gloominess when her shocked gaze got collided with those pairs of eyes and she felt like her soul got shrugged inside her body when she witnessed those eyes which once used to get filled with warmth and affection by watching her were now looking at her with nothing but with the... darkness of her betrayal and deception towards him which tainted that beautiful relation of togetherness between them in every possible way.

After a painful and longer period of 3 years which was like an eternity to her, she was watching her best friend in front of her with whom she had just not only lost any kind of contact but her actions made her to lost him and his alluring friendship too.

But her heart never even dared to think about pushing him out from it because she used to just not only attached to him as a person, she was attached to him with her heart, from her childhood, for worse or for better.. He used to always there for, as a supporter, as a friend, as a guardian until that day when she ruined everything between them.... Until that night when she let herself to got engulfed with that eternal darkness of pain and loneliness..

Her eyes continued to gape at him where as her heart pushed her to her limits of endurance which made her to felt like just go and caged him tightly and told him everything that how badly she had missed him, how badly she was in need of his guidance, shed and support.

But her hope got broken into uncountable number of pieces when she found a glimpse of abhorrence in his firm gaze for her which made her eyes to again started to get pricked with tears until.

"Mr Kim..."

That voice took her out of her painful trance and then Y/n saw her another best friend Aeri walking towards them and stood beside her and stated while looking at Taehyung.

" Mr Jeon is waiting for you in his cabin.... Mr Kim..."

Y/n heard her uttering without even passing her a single glance which made her more hurt that her two best friends were present in front of her there but was ignoring her entire entity like a stranger and the emptiness in their eyes for her made her pain to reached another level of torment ..

Her eyes gazed at Aeri who didn't even try to dart her eyes at her which made Y/n to softly suspire and then trailed her stare again towards him and her heart got sank more deeper into pain by witnessing Taehyung to averted his cold gaze again at Y/n and peered into her amber eyes intensely and then without speaking a single word, he walk passed her .

Y/n just watched at his retracting back like a statue until.

"That night, you had just not only ruined your relationship with Jungkook Y/n but you had destroyed all of our friendships too in your own selfishness.... "

AMBIVALENCE : "I Love Hating You" ( Jungkook🔞+) Where stories live. Discover now