Only I can call Naruto annoying!!

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Sasuke's P.O.V

Once the bell rang, Naruto dashed right out of the room. I was about to casually follow him but couldn't get out of my desk because I was surrounded by a few girls.

"Hey Uchiha-kun, why were you all "buddy-buddy" with that new guy? Do you know him?" One of the girls asked. I found out I was so carried away while talking to Naruto, I hadn't even realized that they were calling me over. I guess they kind of had a good point, though. Even a fool like Naruto would start to get suspicious (and weirded out) if his "friends' cousin" suddenly became best friends with him.

"Oh, no. I thought I'd talk to him for a bit since he's the new student," I lied. "Aww, you're so kind and generous, Sasuke-san!" They smiled while blushing. "You shouldn't go out of your way to talk to a strange person like that, though!" One of the girls said. "Huh?" I asked confused. "Yeah, he looks dangerous. He's also loud and has an obnoxious voice," They added while laughing. My fists clenched and I felt angry for some reason. "Yeah! He was also using your name so casually! He must be stupid!" One girl said. I grit my teeth and stood up. "Don't call him those things!" I yelled at them. They looked at me with shocked, fearful eyes. I realized I over-reacted a little bit because people were staring. "S-sorry." I bowed and then ran out of the room.

Why did I get so riled up over that stupid comment? It wasn't normal for me to get offended over someone insulting someone else. Still, calling people names or gossiping behind their backs is so lame. Sure, I called him names, but I never actually meant those things. Naruto didn't even do anything to them, so why were they saying such cruel things like that? Were they jealous that I was talking to Naruto a little bit?

I shoved my books into my bag and jumped through the crowd of girls. I quickly scurried out of the door and ran into the cafeteria, looking for the blonde-haired dork. Since he forgot his money on the cafe counter in a rush, I was going to somehow sneak it into his bag so he could buy lunch. I asked around to see if anyone knew where he went, but no one even knew who I was talking about. I sighed, not seeing him anywhere. After almost giving up, I heard a nearby conversation and decided to eavesdrop. The conversation mentioned the new transfer student and how he went to the roof. It was the annoying twerp from yesterday. Since I didn't want him to recognize my face, I was keeping a safe distance from him in the cafeteria.

I headed towards the roof and opened the doors slowly, gazing up at the sky for a moment.
The door shut behind me and I took a step while looking around. Suddenly, my body fell forward, and I held myself up by my arms after falling. I clenched my fists in anger and got up while my eye was twitchy. I saw Naruto lying on the floor like a dog. I glared at him and almost wanted to smack him for being such an idiot: he was lying right in front of the roof entrance and his legs were in front of the door.

Only an idiot like him would fall asleep right in front of a door. Then again, I guess I'm also one for not noticing him. I looked over at his empty cup of ramen and rolled my eyes, it wasn't even close to the end of lunch, so how did he eat it so fast? More importantly, how did he afford it? Did he... steal it from someone!? No, it wasn't worth that much yen. He wouldn't need to go out of his way and steal it from someone. I stashed his money in his bag and stared at his sleepy face closely, which reminded me of yesterday.

I stuck out my finger and gently poked his whisker birth mark on his cheek. He twitched a little and it was funny to watch. He started smiling and giggling so I hunched over in curiously to get a better view. Drool fell out of his mouth, so I imagined he was thinking about food or something. I blushed in embarrassment and wiped it off with my sleeve. He moved his hand and grabbed onto my sleeve like a baby. I looked over at Naruto and leaned in closer to his face. He squeezed my hand harder, causing my instincts to kick in. I kissed him gently, then quickly pulled away, realizing what I just did.

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