16. Do not tell her

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Monday, new week, new disappointments. Right?
I just came to the studio, I think I was in hungover yesterday as well. But now I'm completely fine.
I have two clients today, and my day started by drawing that other tattoo ready to paper.
Verneri is also late from work, about thirty minutes, I texted him but he hasn't answered.

I couldn't focus on that drawing, so I decided to call him.
He didn't answer. Where the hell he is? He has a client in twenty minutes. I was just about to call him again, until I heard someone coming in from the front door.
It was Verneri.
"Where the heck have you been?" I asked confused as he walked to the backroom, not even looking at me. What is this?
"Hey?" I asked as I followed him to the backroom, he throwed his jacket and stuff to some small couch.
He put his hair into a bun and continued doing things, not even noticing me.
He almost walked past me, but I stopped him. I put my hand to his chest and pushed him back, then he sighed and finally turned his gaze to me.
"You're not okay." I said as I looked his eyes and face. He rolled his eyes.
"Let it be. I'm sorry that I was late, worker." He said with pissed tone, and it was my turn to sigh.

"You have drank." I said with serious face.
"I haven't. Now leave me alone." He said and almost stumbled to his own feet when he tried to walk.
"Verneri. You don't come to work like that, doesn't matter if you're the boss or not." I looked his tired eyes, he hasn't slept at all. I saw that.
"I'm fine." He said and walked past me, I tried to stop him but for nothing.
He walked behind the counter and I followed him, trying to talk with him.

"Listen to me." I snapped and turned him around.
"You don't come to work when you have been drinking. I will call to your clients of the day and move the appointments. You go home to sleep your head sober. Understand?" I continued, and he just stared at me.
Then my neck.
"Is that a hickey?" He then asked. Apparently I have forgot to put some make up to hide it. How is it still there?
"Did you listen?" I sighed, he then moved his eyes to mine again.
He nodded lightly and walked back to get his stuff.
I immediately called to his clients, and told them that Verneri got suddenly sick. They understood, I mean believed and we decided new appointments.

"You still here?" I asked, Verneri has stood behind me all these minutes.
"I'm sorry Erica.. I just got so frustrated and.. kept drinking for the whole night..." He sighed. I turned around to face him, he looked sad and disappointed.
"Promise me that you will never do this again. I'm only thinking about customers safety, and of course that you don't come here like that." I said and he nodded.

"Now, go home to sleep. Tomorrow is new day, and if you're not feeling well, call me and stay home." I continued as he started to walk to the door.
"Thank you..." He mumbled and left the studio.
I just took a deep breath.
It's my first day alone here, at the studio. Maybe I'll survive.


We were at the rehearsal place, spending time and having new ideas for upcoming things. I sat in the couch, Olli sat next to me.
I was nervous.. about what happened between me and Erica. I acted like an idiot, I didn't bring the thing up at the next day, after that we haven't talked.
What should I do?

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Olli poked me, no one else were listening. Except Tommi, he sat near us and definitely was listening. No that it would bother me, he's wise and maybe he would give me some advice?
"Just.." I sighed and took a deep breath.
Olli's face got more curious and he leaned a little closer, so I wouldn't need to yell these things...
"I don't know should I talk about this.." I then said.
I felt too.. nervous.
"No need to hesitate, you know we can talk about everything." Olli quietly responded and I nodded, looking at my hands.

I saw Tommi looking at us, so he was listening too.
"Well when we were drinking at friday, and we left Joel's place with Erica.." I started, but of course Joonas and Joel started to laugh loudly, so I got interrupted. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
Olli then poked me and nodded towards the front door, so we stood up, put jackets and shoes on and left the place.
We stood outside, it was cold but still nice weather.
"So.. something happened." I continued and Olli listened carefully.
"Everything went so.. smooth? I don't know everything just happened so fast and I think I still can't think about it clearly." I shook my head.
"What happened then..? Did you guys-" Olli looked me under his eyebrows, until I interrupted him.
"No. No. We just.. kissed." I looked my feet.

"Kissed? Once or..?" He kept staring at me, and I lifted my head up to look at him.
"No.. it was kinda.. passionate." I said and Olli just nodded very slowly.
"Well if nothing else happened, what's the problem then?" He asked.
"That's the problem. I don't know what Erica thinks about it, we haven't talked." I said frustrated.
"Well talk to her." He said confused. I just sighed and a door opened, it was Joonas.
He walked to us and lightened a cigarette.
"Little man, how is it going with that love triangle?" He asked and Olli looked even more confused.
"Joonas, you know it's not that." I sighed and he just shook his shoulders.
"What is happening? Aleksi?" Olli asked.

"I honestly don't know. I think that maybe he's starting to leave her alone." I said, looking at Joonas. Olli was just so confused that his mouth was open and he turned his head between me and Joonas.
"Maybe? No. You need to be sure that he's leaving her alone. I know that kind of guys like Verneri, they don't give up so easily." Joonas said, pointing a finger on me.
"Okay, can somebody tell me what is going on?" Olli asked, then Joonas looked me under his eyebrows.
I sighed again.
"Verneri is Erica's boss, and Aleksi over here is trying to win her heart." Joonas grinned, and that made Olli gasp.
"No. No." I chuckled.
Joonas then looked me confused.
"Verneri is a player, I see that and I want that Erica stays in safe. She doesn't need drama like that in her life. And I'm just trying to make it clear to Verneri that he doesn't have any chances towards her." I explained.
Was I convincing enough?

"Oh, that's why you were kissing with her?" Olli asked and that made Joonas too shocked and excited.
Oh god, why did I even bothered to talk about this to Olli?
"You what?" Joonas shouted excited.
"Guys.. the next thing I'm going to say, don't tell it to anyone, especially not to Erica, okay?" I sighed, Olli and Joonas looked each other quickly and then me again. They nodded.

"So.. here's the thing..."
What Aleksi is going to tell them? What do you guys think🧐
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