15. Someone is calling

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"Then it's going to happen."
Was all I could say right now. I felt so confident, thanks to whiskey.
He gently moved his lips to my neck, and he kissed me with so much passion that I couldn't believe it.
I kept my eyes still closed, and just enjoyed his touch.
What drove us here? Alcohol? Wow. And just a while ago we said to each other that we don't do one night stands, especially when drunk.
He came back to my lips, and started to kiss me roughly. And I liked it.
Slowly his hands started to move around my body, and soon his other hand found it's place under my shirt. His fingers made me shiver, the way he touched. Gently, but confident.
Then he let go of me, and took my hand. I was out of breath, and my mind was still trying to understand what is happening.

He walked backwards, keeping the eye contact while he lead me to his bedroom. Pretty good he walked and stuff when drunk, good balance.
I closed the door behind me and he sat on the edge of the bed. I saw my moment here, so I sat on his lap. We looked each others couple seconds, before I closed the space between our lips.

We didn't get to enjoy this moment for a long time, because someone rang the doorbell. We freezed for a moment, and it rang again. I sat up from his lap and Aleksi walked to his door.
I sat on the bed, I rubbed my face nervously. Now this is awkward.
Then I heard noices from the living room, but I stayed in the bedroom. Kinda hiding.
Then Aleksi walked here, and I looked him confused.
"Olli and Tommi came here to sleep." He said quietly. I just nodded.
"Maybe I should go home." I said and almost stood up, but Aleksi placed his hand on my shoulder and didn't let me.
"As I said, there is always space in my bed. Sleep here, you look very tired." He said and I just nodded lightly, while he left the room.
I sighed and layed down on the bed. I really was tired.
But that what happened before Olli and Tommi came here..

I woke up to the huge pain in my head, and I immediately felt like throwing up. So I stood up faster than ever and run to the bathroom.
As I was done with vomiting, I looked myself from the mirror. I looked so.. dead. I washed my face with cold water.
"No..." I gasped quietly when I saw a hickey on my neck. Aleksi.. shit.
I started to panic, but luckily I got to hide it with my hair.
I left the bathroom, and I saw Tommi drinking some juice at the kitchen.
I didn't know what to do. Shall I go to my home which is only few meters away, or should I stay here for a while? Ville is definitely waiting for me and food...
"Morning, how you're feeling?" Tommi asked with his caring and low voice.
"Feeling like shit.." I shook my shoulders and took a seat. Maybe Ville can wait just couple minutes.
"Take these." Tommi handed me juice and painkillers.
"Thanks." I smiled to him and took them.

"It was a.. wild night." Tommi chuckled as he rubbed his eyes.
"You said it..." I mumbled and turned my head a little to look to the direction where the bedroom is.
Suddenly Olli woke up and he let out a quiet groan from the couch.
"Morning curly boy, come here to take some painkillers." Tommi smirked. I looked at Olli by now, he was so.. hungover. Like me.
"Fuck that night.. why did we had to drink to much..?" Olli mumbled. Then Tommi looked me under his eyebrows.
"I think it's my fault, Joel and Joonas wanted to show me how much we can drink." I said and Tommi started to grin.
"Why you disappeared with Aleksi from Joel's apartment?" Tommi asked then, I was taking a sip of the juice, but I decided to keep drinking it. Just to think about a little longer what I will answer.

"Erica had drank too much, so I needed to take her to sleep." Aleksi suddenly appeared to the kitchen. His black hair was so messy, and it looked too good.
I swallowed and nodded.
"Here? And not her home which is in the neighbour?" Tommi raised his one eyebrow.
"I couldn't find my keys, I barely kept my eyes open and Aleksi gave up, so now I'm here." I explained, and Tommi nodded.
We looked each other quickly with Aleksi, I couldn't read his face. He looked so.. normal. Like nothing happened. Or he's too hangover to think about it.

"Hi cutie." I greeted Ville who was sitting in the kitchen sink, I don't know why but he likes to be there sometimes. It's kinda nasty.
I gave him his food and then went to the bathroom to take shower.
I walked out of there and wrapped myself with a white towel. Suddenly my phone rang.
I took it from the kitchen table, and guess who it was?
I took a deep breath and then I answered.
"Hi." I said and watched Ville who was still eating.
"Hello Erica, how you're doing?" She asked, like nothing has ever happened.
"Good." I said.

"Nice. Do you like living there? Have you got new friends or something?"
I sighed. Mentally.
"I love it here, I have met amazing people and my boss is also so nice." I said with a lot of confidence, it's sometimes hard for me to stand up against others. Especially when it's own mother.
"Well.. you still want to do tattoos?" She asked, with that tone.
I always remember how she changed her voice like that, it's like she waits for me to say no, and that she was right.
Well you're not right, mom.
"Yes. And it's none of your business what I want to do with my life. I am 24 and you can't say what I should do and what not. Let me live my own life, it's all I ask." I said frustrated. How many times I have to tell her that?

"Of couse you can do what you want. You know how your dad wanted you to be a doctor." She dared to say. No you didn't just said that.
You're sailing in dangerous waters now.

"Mom. You don't believe that even yourself. You wanted me to be a doctor. Dad always supported me and he always wanted that I'll live my life like I want. How many times I have to say it to you? I don't give a damn to take care of people who has bruises or a leg is broken. I do tattoos, and that's how I help people." I said and then she started to laugh. I got so angry by now.

"Help people by tattooing them? Please, don't be silly. It's just wasting time." She said and now I wanted to rip my hair out of my head and throw that phone away.
"Yes. People wants to perpetuate things to their skin. Or they want ink on them because they like it. And I love tattoos and tattooing. It's art. And you get to talk with so many different people. And if they have stories behind the tattoos, it's so interesting to hear them. It's emotional too. So stop being so fucking rude towards me and to other people. You can also leave me alone, call me when you have approved me by the way I am. After all, I'm still the same little girl which I was years ago. Nothing has changed, except I have tattoos."
I hung up the call.
So, mom called... that didn't go well.
Also Aleksi and Erica got interrupted, what do you guys think, was it a good thing or not?
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Have a good day 🖤

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