5. Good and expensive wine

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I woke up when Ville jumped around, and he hit my stomach. "Oh crap.." I said underneath my breath and opened my eyes. I took my phone from the bedside table and looked at the clock.
"Fucking ten.." I said frustrated and got up. Ville was crazy, like he never has got any food. I put him food and then headed to bathroom. I looked tired, but not that bad.
As I ate my breakfast, I got two messages from people who wants an tattoo appointment, so I texted with them.

Then Aleksi called, and it kinda suprised me. Without any hesitation I answered.
"Morning." I answered.
"Morning, do you like wine? Red or white? And which is better, pizza or pasta?" He asked many questions and it made me grin. I was more than happy to hear his voice.

"I like white wine, pasta is fine." I answered and I could hear some talking from the background and Aleksi saying something to them.
"Great, I'll see you at 1pm." He said, I just smiled. "See you then." I smiled and we hung up the call.


I just hung up the call with Erica, I turned my head to the boys.
"Guys, seriously! Can't you shut up for a second when I'm having a call." I said annoyed and they all just grinned and giggled.
"You're guys like little girls, stop that." Tommi said, looking at them.
"Is she pretty? How old is she?" Joonas asked excited and I rolled my eyes.
"She's very pretty, she tattooed me the lyrics to my side. And she also hit me with her door." Niko said, holding his coffee mug.
"Oh, Aleksi. Didn't know you're into bad girls." Joel poked me and I just showed him a tense look.

"So she is your neighbour?" Olli asked from the couch. I nodded. Everyone stared at me with those stupid grins on their faces again.
"It's not a date, okay! Stop looking at me." I sat behind my working table and opened my laptop. "Okay let's not focus on that anymore." Olli said and I sighed in relief. Until I felt pair of hands in my shoulders behind me.
"Whats her instagram?" Joonas whispered to my ear and I let out a loud sigh.
"Why you care?" I asked.
"I just want to know if she's your type." He shook his shoulders and leaned against the table next to me.

"It's inkerica." Niko said and I turned around with my chair to look at him. He grinned and made a sorry with his mouth. Joonas scrolled his phone right away, I just rolled my eyes and focused on my laptop again.
"She is pretty!" Joonas shouted, Joel and Olli rushed to him and looked his phone too.
"Come on guys!" I said frustrated and they looked at me grinning again.
"You're jealous already." Joel said.
"I am not. Now can we please do what we were supposed to do so we can leave here some day?" I looked at them all and finally they nodded and listened me. I may be the youngest, but sometimes I feel like the oldest. I also like to threaten them sometimes by leaving the band if they don't calm down and focus.

I was at the store, finding a perfect wine. I had Olli with me, he knows wines better and is also better company right now than anyone else. He doesn't ask anything if I dont want to.
Joonas and Joel can be pain in the ass sometimes, but that's why they are great. But I don't need their winks and grins right now.
"I think this is the best choice." Olli hold a wine bottle and I looked at the price. I swallowed and nervously chuckled.
"You can't be serious, right?" I scartched my neck and Olli looked like he was being serious.
"I have drank this many times, this really is the best. The prize is not the nicest, but it's totally worth it." He explained.
"I remind you again, it's not a date." I said and he grinned.
"Yeah, I forgot that. But if you two are just getting to know each other, like friends..? Isn't a first impression a good thing?" He raised his eyebrows and I shook my shoulders, hesitating.

"Come on dude, take this. If you two don't like it, I will drink it then." He grinned and handed me the bottle. Olli and Tommi are visiting here from Oulu, so Olli is sleeping at my couch. I sighed and he patted my shoulder while we walked to the casher.
I took take away pasta and then we walked to my car.
"But I don't understand this, are you two just in a friend level, nothing more?" Olli asked confused as I started driving, luckily it's not a long trip from here to home.
"Yes, I suggested this. She's very nice and funny and she doesn't have any friends, so I thought it would be nice to her to have at least one friend." I explained.
"Right, I understand." He nodded and then we were quiet until we reached to my home building.
I took the wine and the bag with those pastas and Olli walked behind me, scrolling his phone.
For some reason I was kinda nervous, don't know why.
We walked out of the elevator and Olli walked straight to my door.
"Is this outfit good enough?" I asked as he looked at me up and down, then he nodded. I looked myself down. I was hestitating.
"Are you sure?" I asked again and he sighed, looking at me smiling.
"You said it was not a date, so that's fine." He said and I rolled my eyes. I opened the door for him and then I walked to Erica's door.

For some reason I took a deep breath and after that I pressed the doorbell. I waited for couple seconds, until that brown haired woman came to open the door. Her smile was so pretty.
"Hi, come in." She said and I stepped in. I handed her the bottle of wine.
"There you go, I hope you like it." I chuckled nervously and she took it smiling and walked to the kitchen as I took off my jacket and shoes.
I carried the bag to the kitchen.
"I'm sure this is good, it looks expensive." She looked at the bottle.
"You have no idea..." I said quietly, hoping that she would not hear it. But of course that pretty woman hears everything. She looked at me under her eyebrows, I saw how she grinned a little bit.
"Was it..?" She asked and I swallowed. Why am I so nervous! Come on Aleksi.

"You don't need to worry about it. Actually my friend helped me and he chose the wine." I said and she grinned even more while she placed the plates to the kitchen table.
"I mean, not like I need any help or anything but.. he knows wines and..." I started to explain nervously and she let out a small chuckle.
"I know." She said and opened the wine bottle, perfectly. Like it was nothing to her.
Then she poured it to the glasses.
"Please, sit down." She said and I took a seat, she sat across from me.
We started eating, and it was time to taste the wine.
We both took sips at the same time, I looked at her impressions, hopefully it's fine.
"This is good, your friend took a good choice." She smiled and I got suprised as well, it really was good. Thank you Olli, for not taking a bad wine. It would've had ruined everything.
"Let's pretend that I chose it." I grinned and she nodded, taking another sip.

The food and everything was good, we had funny stories to tell and she loved to hear everything about my career. I also liked to hear about her life, it has been tough, but still she is here.
"Yeah, life hasn't treated me very gently, but I think it's not supposed to be easy and fun all the time." She said as we were sitting at the couch by now, with the wines.
"But now everything is good?" I asked and she smiled a little bit. She had those dimples, they always catched my attention.
"Everything is good, and I'm glad that I have get to known to you." She said, pouring more wine to us. We have almost emptied the whole bottle. Sorry Olli, I think you won't get any wine today.
Then that cute cat jumped to the couch, he has been hiding somewhere and now was the first time when I saw him.

"Hey cutie." I let him smell my hand and immediately he pushed it with his head.
"How adorable, usually he's very shy with new people." Erica smiled and I petted Ville's head.
"How old is he?" I asked.
"Almost seven." Erica said, petting Ville's back.
We were just silent, petting that cat. I lifted my head up a little, and looked at Erica under my eyebrows.
Until someone rang the doorbell, I quickly turned my eyes back to Ville while Erica stood up.
"Do you wait someone..?" I asked while she walked to the door.
"Not to my knowledge." She answered in curious tone.

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