A girl

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I stood, the hot water from the shower running down my fur, making it flat against my body. The time in the shower gave me time to think.. I'd just agreed to live with four boys whom I've only just met. Was I mad?! Mother would never approve. After cleaning the greasy pizza from my fur, I shut of the water, before using the towel which Leo and provided to dry my fur. I slipped back into my clothes, whilst wrapping my damp hair in the towel. Stepping out into the hallway, I peered around, looking for Donatello.

"D-Donnie?" I called, watching as the recognisable purple band appeared from a door to the left of me.

"I see you've finished in the shower then?" He smiled, closing what sounded like a tool box. I frowned across at him,

"What are you doing?" I asked, cocking my head to one side. Donatello blushed lightly.

"I'm getting a room ready for you, I hope you don't mind sleeping on the couch that Raph had in his room.. I tried to clean it as best I could whilst you were washing." he said quietly. I felt a smile creep across my lips,

"It's not a worry Donatello, I thank you for all you've done for me today," I bowed my head slightly, causing the towel that was wrapped around my hair to flop onto the floor, leaving my damp hair to hang around my shoulders. Donatello covered a smile on his face, before diving into a cardboard box to the side of him, and pulling out a hairdryer.

"I thought I needed it's mechanism for a machine once, so I asked a friend to buy one for me. Please allow me," Donnie blurted, quickly plugging in the dryer and turning it onto me. I held up my arms in protest,

"No, please I-" I covered my face with my good hand. A few moments passed before Donnie turned the hairdryer off, confused by the fact i was covering my face.

"What's wrong?" he asked, placing the hairdryer down and walking to my side. I held my hair close to my scalp, frowning across at him,

"Never dry naturally curled hair with a machine.." I huffed, letting my hair fall free. I saw donnie's face as he watched my hair become a large, poofy mass before him. To be honest I thought a male of his intelligence would have know that. Evidently, I was wrong. Donatello covered his mouth, clearly to stop his slight sniggers from being heard. I sighed, still scowling at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-" he started, until I used the damp towel to hit him on the arm. An awkward moment passed, before I began to look around this makeshift room that Donatello had made for me. The room itself was a dark purple in colour, which a black sofa pushed into one corner. on the sofa, was a large deep red quilt, and pillows. There was a small metal desk in the apposing corner, with a chair tucked underneath. Beside that, was an empty bookshelf, and a chest of drawers. It wasn't much, but I couldn't have asked for better given my predicament at the given time. My thoughts were interrupted by Donnie piping up,

"I know it's not great, and feel free to personalise it however you feel necessary, I mean, we can improve it if you stay here for an extended period of time and.. stuff.." 


I stuttered, looking into Siberia's icy eyes. I had never had to really cater for a girl before, except for when April had stayed before, but that was different, she was a friend, and I knew her well. I barely knew this wolf.. this girl.. But she was still a mutant, and a friendly one at that. Nothing like those things that Shredder had sent after us time and time again. Siberia smiled across at me, 

"It's fine, honestly!" she insisted. I nodded, going to say something, but I noticed one of her ear twitch, and she herself immediately looked towards the doorway. "Someone's coming," she said quietly. "And it's none of your brothers." i cocked my head to one side,

"How in the hell can you tell that?" I asked, frowning. Siberia sighed,

"You turtles seem to make a very particular noise when you walk, I picked up on it when you first walked over to me when I was sat on your desk, and then compared it to the noise your brothers made when they walk. It's very distinctive." she continued, still staring at the doorway. I think I underestimated her hearing..

"These footfalls are lighter, and I can hear claws tapping on the floor. Does this sound like someone you know?" she asked me. My mind went blank for a second, until a familiar figure glided into the doorway,

"Donatello, I see we have a new guest."  I heard my father's voice say calmly. Splinter's brown eyes fell upon us both, before I turned to look at Siberia. She was wide eyed, almost mesmerized. I was unsure if it was simply his presence or his appearance.

"Sensai, this is Siberia Rosovsky. Leonardo found her in an allyway under attack.. I offered her refuge in our home until she's recovered." I said quietly, gesturing to Siberia's bandaged hand. "Siberia, this is my Sensai, Master Splinter," I continued. Siberia bowed her head remaining there for a few moments before standing straight again. Splinter smiled down at her, 

"Welcome to our home, Miss Rosovsky. You're welcome to stay as long as you wish." and with that, he glided off down the corridor once more.

"He seems lovely.." Siberia smiled, looking across at me. "How did you meet?" I rubbed the back of my neck,

"He's my father.." I saw the look on her face become one of pure confusion, and tried to subside my laughter.

"But you said you were born a turtle, I don't understand.." She looked very concerned now, and I held my hand up, still smiling slightly,

"It's a long story, Si. I'll explain if you sit down," 

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