Una's letter

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As Donatello and I walked through the sewers, our fingers intertwined loosely, I felt my body begin to relax. I was happy. Tyberius was dead, much to the turtles dismay, but I had dealt with our enemy in the way I had been taught to. Sure it wasn't to their standards, but they wouldn't understand why I couldn't leave him alive. Donatello turning to one side snapped me out of my thoughts, and my eyes widened at the sight of our new home. 

The room before me was huge, but I expected that due to it being an abandoned underground station. The entrance was several turnstiles, which then opened up into a wider room, which was painted a light grey, and a tiled section of wall stood to the left of the room. There was a circular opening in the ceiling, which had been loosely boarded up, and broken wooden stairs spiralled upwards towards the opening. A lowered pitted area of floor was situated in the middle of the room. A number of corridors lead away from the main room, no doubt towards several other areas of the station. Michelangelo was sat in the lowered floor area, reading what looked like a comic. Raphael could be heard arguing with Leonardo about which room they wanted. To my surprise, Michelangelo began to make an odd whistling noise as soon as he noticed us, and Donatello's cheeks began to blush. 

"Told you they'd get together Raph, you owe me 10 bucks!" Mikey laughed devilishly, causing the recognisable red bandana of Raphael to whip around the corner to look at us.

"You weren't kidding," Raphael chuckled folding his arms. Even Leonardo started to peer at us and smile to himself. I raised an eyebrow,

"I suppose all this teasing is derived from your own inabilities to get a female companion." I smirked, causing Donatello to stifle to laugh behind his hand. Michelangelo simply lifted the comic to cover his face, whilst Raphael rubbed his arm awkwardly. Leonardo's laughing died down as Splinter opened a door to our right. In his hand he held an envelope, which I could tell intrigued us all.  

"Miss Rosovski, this arrived for you yesterday, but due to the events that unfolded, I was unable to give it to you." Splinter said calmly, as he handed me the crisp white envelope. I peered down at it, before my eyes widened as I recognised the handwriting. 

"It... It's from my tutor," I said softly, Donatello's brows furrowed together as the words left my mouth. 

"How did she know where you'd be?" He stammered. I smiled slightly,

"I wrote to her a few days after you took me in to let her know I was alright. I may have a had a rough upbringing with Tyberius, but she cared for me like I was her own, even if she was only my teacher." As I finished the sentence I tore into the envelope with my nail, and pulled out a folded piece of paper. I held it lightly between my fingers before I unfolded it, and allowed my eyes to scan the words that were written upon it.

"Dearest Siberia,

I received your letter not too long ago, and I must say, I'm extremely glad to hear that you are okay.

In your letter, you spoke of mutated turtles.. if this is so, you must stay with them as long as you can. I know of their sensai, Splinter. He is wise, and will know how to assist you on the quest I'm about to give you. I have found some information, and I am sure that it will change your life dramatically. There are many many others like you. Mutants. I didn't know it before, but now I do. I know every location, and place of origin. But first, you must find the three who I have sent to meet you.

The first I contacted is a Tigress who goes by the name of Bengali Stocks. She was born in Australia, and I'm sure she will arrive in New York shortly after you receive this letter. Bengali is one of my newest students. She doesn't have as high an intellect as yourself, but she is highly trained in fields such as engineering and weaponry, which I assume will be useful to you and the turtles. She will inform you of the rest of the facilities that you are yet to discover within the Gorbonov ranks. 

The second is Djembi Mahlangu. She's an African painted dog, an old tribes member of the Masai mara. She may be a little primitive for your liking, but she knows a lot about medicine and hunting. I'd watch her though, from what I've heard, she's very excitable and she has a habit of being distracted easily, and also.. she doesn't speak very good English. She does speaks French however, so I know that you can comminicate with her. You are to teach her better English.

The final member I managed to contact is a black Jaguar, named Thalia Calvaro. Thalia lives in Brazil, so it won't take her too long to locate you. She may prove a little difficult to handle, as she was raised as a criminal. She's known throughout the South as Luz de Sombra, the master theif. Highly flexible and a quick thinker, Thalia comes equipped with an awful temper, but I'm assured that you can change her ways.

I've contacted them all, and they should be on their way to you as you read this letter. I will not see you again, as I fear for my life in the presence of Gorbonov's men. Your task, is to deal with and remove the Russian mafia. Gorbonov must be stopped. 

Yours sincerely,
Professor Una."

I took a sharp inhale, looking up from the paper to be met by the confused faces of all four turtles, and even Splinter.

"what does it say, Si?" Donatello asked, concern plastered on his face. "Is everything okay?" 

I coughed a little, clearing my throat. I wasn't alone... I was going to be part of a team now. My own team.. and they were coming here? Was I ready for this? So many questions filled my mind before I finally managed to utter a word.

"There are more mutants... And they're coming here to help me take down the remaining Gorbonov ranks, and then the Russian mafia."

The End.

(Stay tuned for the story following this which I am currently working on, SEEING STRIPES -TMNT. Thank you so much for reading, I am thankful for your support, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the series to follow this. Ellie_Davbot )

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