17: This is fine everything is fine

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Chapter 17

Tommy was weird on the ride home, he didn't DO anything but you can tell he's up to something, he hardly looked at you as he left your jeep and jogged to his weirdly large house.

You tried to ignore it as you got home and got ready for your "date" it felt wrong to get ready as you looked at the bed you and Tommy shared multiple rounds of wrestling in but you pushed that thought back, this was for the best it'll get the town off your back, your thoughts were interrupted by your landline ringing which caught you off guard because who the fuck uses landlines?

You answered timidly
"Hello dear"
Luda Maes southern voice answered and you felt your stomach drop
"Ohhhhh hey what's up dog"
Why can't you answer normally goddammit
"Listen sweetie when I said to keep things about you and Tommy kinda down low I didn't mean the date the most eligible bachelor under the Texas sun, I thought you were serious about my b-"
"Luda Luda MOMMA, I'm serious about Tommy, just Eric caught me seriously off guard and I thought it would help take the focus off me and Tommy, I already talked to him about it, he seemed like weirdly okay with it"
There was an uncomfortable amount of silence
"It makes sense, Eric was such a popular boy growing up and never really gave Tommy the time of day- it's like the sandbox; Tommy has a toy he doesn't need to share"
You stood there slightly dumbfounded to be reduced to a Tonka truck
"Well I'm glad to clear up confusion"

Before Luda can respond you hang up the phone and go to check your makeup because it's a few minutes before he's supposed to pick you up, as you touch up your lipstick you hear a honking outside as you roll your eyes and grab your purse to head outside to his ridiculously lifted truck, as you hop into his passenger seat you can't help but think Tommy would've opened the door for you
"Hey Buttercup, we're just gonna go to the diner on 105th street"
You nodded and tried to not think about what Tommy would do instead, as you drove to the diner you thought about having a picnic and star gazing with Tommy when suddenly you came to an abrupt stop in front of the restaurant, he rushed out of the truck first to get your door and offer his arm out of the truck, you smiled politely and took it as you made your way into the diner and towards an empty booth, you make idle small talk about your job until the waitress takes your drink order (chocolate milkshake for him and a cherry coke for yourself) as you sat across from him you found yourself playing with the hem of your dress unsure of what to say until you blurted the first thing that came to your mind
"Why did you ask if Tommy and I are together today?"
He simply shrugged
"I mean you guys are constantly together, It was easy to assume especially when the town loner suddenly has a pretty thing like you driving him around"
You tried to not let your eye twitch when he called Tommy a loner

Eric thanked the waitress as she dropped off the drinks and he went ahead and ordered for you, you think it's weird he didn't ask you what you wanted but figured it was just an old fashioned thing, now you sat across from him trying to think of something to talk about
"So you grew up here right? What was Tommy like in school?"
He put his milkshake down and shrugged
"He was a shy guy, didn't have a lot of friends and pretty fun to tease until he came to school one day and looked like a truck with hair"
Ah, and he was a dick in school- this is gonna be a long night, you try not to roll your eyes as Eric begins talking about his glory days in high school right up until the waitress brings over identical plates, you try and eat as fast as possible to get this night over with when you're halfway through your mashed potatoes when you hear him cough, as you looked up He gave you a half-smile
"So tell me about yourself buttercup, I wanna get to know the woman behind the muffins"
You swallow awkwardly and shrugged
"Not much to say honestly" you went into some vague details about growing up and some family stuff as you continue picking away at your dinner- filling in the awkward silence with some basic small talk and trying not to zone out and think about how a one-sided conversation with Tommy is 100% more exciting than sitting in his diner with "the most eligible bachelor under the Texan sun" you played nice and fake laughed at his stupid jokes, at least the night is almost over you think as the waitress brings one bill to the table dispute your requests to split it.

During the painfully silent ride back towards your house you knew you needed to let him down nicely, not because he was a regular but he was also a pretty nice guy, as you saw your house insight you look towards him as he put the truck into park and flashed you a smile
"I had a great time tonight buttercup, I'd love to do it again" he put his hand on your thigh and leaned in but before he could close the distance you leaned back
"Listen Eric I also had an interesting night but you were right about Tommy, I have feelings for him and it feels wrong to lead a nice guy on"
He immediately removed his hand and looked stunned
He leaned back and started to softly laugh
"If someone told me a few years ago I'd lose a beautiful woman to Thomas of all people I probably would've called them insane"
You put your hand on the truck door
"I'm sorry to say, he's just more my type"
Before he can respond you open the door and hop out
"Well, thanks for understanding and dinner"
Before he can respond you close the door and practically run to your front door and throw yourself inside

A you stood against the door and try to focus on your breathing you noticed your living room light on but before you can wonder if you left it on you see a large figure taking up your love seat and you feel like you jump out of your skin until you realize that mass isn't a giant demon but a giant mister Thomas, you immediately stomp across the room to stand over him with your hands on your hips
"Are you waiting for me? What if I happened to get lucky tonight, you jealous little shi-"
Before you can finish your rant he pulls you into his lap and starts rubbing your back, you hate how you instantly melt
"Well if it makes you feel better I let him down easy"
He immediately gives you a fake sympathy while nodding his head, you try not to giggle as you continue
"You should've seen the look on his face when told him I can't see him because I am hopelessly crushing on you"
You flop back into his arm at the last part for dramatic effect but he instantly holds you tighter against his body and his hands begin to roam more aggressively when it all clicks
"Oh my god, your Mom was right, that's why you were so okay about this date! I'll have you know I am not a Tonka truck!!"
He looked mildly confused as you give him a playful swat
"You just liked having something the most eligible bachelor in Texas couldn't have because he gave you shit in school"
You faked being angry as he nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world as you faked being offended and tried to wrestle out of his grasp that only made him tighten his hold on your body, after a few moments you laughed and laid your head on his chest
"Well if everyone didn't know already they certainly know now, is that okay?"
He simply shrugged as if to say it was inevitable and slowly stroked your back, you simply kissed his chest and said
"Take me to bed I'm sleepy, we'll talk in the morning about how you broke into my house"
He chuckled as he got up and effortlessly carried you to bed.

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