5: The drive

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Getting into your Jeep after a good long day of work you couldn't help but sit for a moment before turning your key just to smile, you picked up quickly to everything Luda taught you and she's confident you only needed to be trained for one more day (just to be safe) you know the oven as well as possible but she didn't specifically say she was worried about you burning down the store but you understand if that's what it was, Just as you were about to turn your keys in the ignition you were startled by someone knocking on your window you recognized Luda with Tommy standing a few feet back at the front door of the store, you immediately started rolling your window down
"Did I forget something inside?"
She immediately shook her head no
"Oh no hun, nothing like that I just had a question well favour to ask you"
Confused and on what she could want you simply nodded your head and allowed her to continue
"Well I feel bad asking this of ya but after seeing how well you and Tommy got along today, I was wondering if maybe when you started opening by yourself in a few days if you wouldn't mind picking up my Tommy and dropping him off, save him a long walk in this sun"
Without hesitating, you immediately agreed
"Oh my gosh of course! I can drive Tommy home today so he can give me directions if that works?"
She gave you a warm smile
"Well I think he'd like that very much"
Luda Mae gestured Tommy over and he sheepishly walked over, you could tell he was still a bit shy around you
Luda Mae turned to face him as you fiddled with your cassette collection trying to find something he would like as Luda explained to her son you were driving him home and to be very clear with his directions, to be honest, you didn't even know how he was gonna give you directions but you'd figured it out probably, you finally found your favourite playlist you named "making pancakes" it's filled with all your favourite old tunes from the 60's that makes you want to bake as the first few notes of a little like lovin' started to played Tommy awkwardly climbed in your passenger side, you couldn't help giggle as he all but sardined himself in, looking like a GI Joe doll forced into a barbies play car you, figured that opening the sunroof would probably help him stretch a bit more, you quickly reached up to do it and it seemed to help so that was a relief.
"Alright Tommy so you're gonna use your hands and tell me where to go so hold your left hand up when I gotta turn left, right hand up when I gotta turn right but just point straight if that's where I gotta go"
He nodded and reached into the front pocket of his shirt and pulled out a note with Luda Maes handwriting that just gave you the address
"Oh, well that's a lot easier, I feel stupid for not thinking that"
You carefully put the address in the map app of your phone and it was only a 10-minute drive out of your way so it's not that bad.
Pulling out of the store parking and following the directions on the screen you couldn't help but notice people glancing at your jeep, you guessed it's not every day they see Tommy with someone that isn't his mom, you shrug it off and turn your music up a few notches ( you figured Tommy wouldn't mind because it's not like he needs to talk over it) as you hummed along and let the wind ruin your already messy ponytail, you felt Tommy poke your arm gently without taking your eyes off the road you lower the music a notch and look over
"What's up Tomcat, I didn't miss a turn did I?"
His eyebrows shot up at the nickname and if it wasn't for the music you'd swear you heard him laugh but he shook his head no
"Okay I'll bite, what's up"
He pointed at your cassette player and nodded with a thumbs up
"Oh ho ho a man of good taste, it's nice to hear you like it because when I'm by myself in a few days I'll be playing this stuff the back and if I'm in a good mood take requests"
He nodded his head particularly fast at that so you took it as he was excited to hear more of your music
"It's nice you like it, my boyfriend James can't stand this stuff he's always playing some rap or techno shit I can't even understand but according to him my music is boring, I'm glad I can finally enjoy it with someone "
You smile at him but quickly put your eyes back on the road, you don't think Luda Mae would take kindly to you crashing your car with Tommy inside the first time you're alone with him, the next few minutes pass peacefully as you began to sing along and Tommy nodded his head gently along.
A few minutes later you were pulling up to a beautiful very southern White House- you put your car into park and admired the older aesthetic of the house, you turned to look at Tommy who was awkwardly staring at his lap
"Wow this house is really beautiful, I love all the green stuff, you gotta take me on a tour sometime"
You said it as a joke but Tommy immediately nodded yes to your suggestion
"Sounds good I'll let you know when I'm free, maybe we can grab some ice cream from town there's that little shop we passed a bit ago"
Tommy's eyes looked wide as he searched your face almost as if he was waiting for you to say sike, it just made you want to assure him more you wanted to be friends, so far you genuinely just enjoyed being around him and it would be nice to know someone in the town that wasn't your boss or boyfriend
"Oh so I'm guessing Luda told ya I'm gonna be picking you up and dropping you off from now so just come outside like 15 minutes before we have to start work and I'll grab ya"
He nodded and put his hand out toward you like he wanted to shake your hand to say thank you for the rid or maybe agree on the schedule, either way, you accepted his hand and only slightly caught your breath when his hand enveloped yours as he gave it two tiny shakes, he gave you one head nod before letting go of your hand and getting out of your jeep and waited for you to drive off trying to drown out your thoughts about your still tingling hand with loud music.

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