Chapter 7: A Decent Ending.

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Our group of "hunters" had arrived at the hospital safe and sound. Joseph was alright, but only with a twisted ankle and a few bruises here and there. Luckily, Peggy, Nancy, and Luanne would be arriving shortly.

"You took this visit like a champ, Joseph. I'm proud of you." Dale said patting his son on the head. "Thanks dad. You're alright sometimes." Joseph said with a grin. Suddenly, Nancy had entered the room. "Hey, Sugs! How's it goin." She greeted. Bill was in a trance as Dale's wife walked over to the hospital bed. "The check better be cheap, good thing John Redcorn is paying for everything." She sighed. "That Johnny. He's always spoiling us with his hard earned money, what with takin care of your headaches and such." Dale said. "Ill be back, guys. I'm gonna have a smoke." Dale exited the room as Peggy and Luanne entered. "Uncle Hank! You're alive!!!" Luanne chirped as she ran to her uncle and have him a big hug. "Well uh...of course, Luanne..." Hank said trying to gasp for air. "Luanne. Let go of him please." Peggy said firmly. She wrapped her arms around her husband, happy that he and his friends were alright. "I'm just glad you guys made it in one piece... That's what matters to me..." Peggy sighed...

"And what I'm I? Chopped liver?" Joseph thought to himself. "Oh of course, how are you, Joseph?" Peggy greeted. "I'm doin alright. Just a bit of a setback is all." The boy replied. "Bobby is just grabbing some snacks from the vending machine." Hank said giving his wife a heads up. Dale returned to the room. "Just got word that we'll be discharged in an hour or so. Get comfy while you can." Dale said. "Want me to turn on the kid's channel for you, Joseph?" He turned to his son with a remote control on hand. "Nah. Ill stick with Cartoon Network thank you very much." Joseph replied rolling his eyes.

"Hehehe. That's my boy..." Dale chuckled turning on the TV.

Thus ending a semi-successful hunting trip.

The End.

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