Chapter 3: The Twig Boys

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Hank and Boomhaur entered the Mega Lo Mart in hopes that they'd find some safety items like sleeping bags, firewood, a lantern or flashlight, and other items. "Boomhaur, you go find some food and I'll go look for safety equipment." Hank nodded signaling Boomhaur to check for food. "Hey, dad!" a raspy voice spoke. Hank turned around to find Bobby was right behind him. "Bobby! What are you doing here? You were supposed to stay with Dale!" Hank scolded his son. "Well Mr. Gribble was talking  about aliens and other stuff, so I got bored of it and went to find you." Bobby replied, "Can I at least stay with you until we're able to head for the hunting grounds?" Hank rolled his eyes and sighed "Sure, son. Just stay with me the whole time." Hank instructed, Bobby gave a traditional salute and followed his dad. 

Hank was putting some throw blankets in a shopping cart before noticing a group of fairly slim men having a laugh over their plans for going hunting. "That damn snowstorm has no match for us, right men?" One of the men chuckled. "Damn straight. Now where's Eustis with that beef jerky?" another man said. "Scuse me but do you guys mind if I cut in? I need to get a lantern." Hank gestured. "Oh uh, sure." One of the men passed a lantern over to Hank. "You guys going hunting too?" Hank asked leaning his arm against the shopping cart. "Oh yeah, we ain't lettin some stupid snowstorm keep us from getting as many deer as possible." A man chuckled. "Oh what am I saying? We need to introduce ourselves. My name's Wade and this is Phineas, Parker, and we also have our friend Eustis who we're still waiting for right now." Wade and Hank shook hands. "Sorry I'm late, fellas. I had a flat tire so me and my son had to walk up here." Eustis caught up with his companions "Oh! Hey, Hank! I see you're hunting as well?" Eustis said. "Oh yeah, me and the guys just stopped here to grab a bite to eat, so I wanted to stop here to buy some stuff in case we wind up stranded." Hank chuckled fixing his glasses.

"Stranded you say?" Parker replied "You sure you're cut out for something like this?" Hank looked confused before fizzling into anger "I've been hunting since I was a boy, and I'm not lettin a bunch of twig boys tell me that I ain't cut out for something I enjoy. Come on, Bobby." Hank grabbed his son by the arm and walked off.

"What was that about, dad?" Bobby asked. "Son, those are our enemies. They think that people like us are incapable of hunting when all they care about are their beer and beef jerky." Hank replied. "Well, now that we have all the safety supplies, can't we at least grab a couple snacks on our way out? Maybe even some fruit pies????" Bobby chuckled rubbing his hands together. Hank facepalmed "Son, fruit pies are not a required safety item. What happens if you get cold during temperatures below 0? Are you going to wrap yourself up in a giant fruit pie and expect to stay warm?" Bobby remained silent for a few seconds... "No but it would be quite sticky..." the boy replied. "Ok fine, we'll get some fruit pies and snacks. First let's meet up with Boomhaur in the frozen food section. 

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