Cbapter 4: A Flat Tire

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During the drive to the hunting grounds, Dale and the others were setting up an "indoor camp" of sorts in the back of the bugabago. "I'm still a  bit salty that Hank won't let me drive this time but what are ya gonna do, right fellas?" Dale said spreading out some sleeping bags. "I like this idea, it'll be like we're camping in our own little house!" Bill giggled. Dale sighed before turning to his son. "See, Joseph. This is why you marry a good woman like your mother, or else you'll just wind up lonely like Bill." Joseph didn't quite understand what his father was referencing at first and just went on to help Bobby with setting up some stuff. 

"Hey, Joseph. I'm almost done building our secret pillow fort!" Bobby greeted as he poked his head out of a few sheets and pillows. The two boys laughed before Hank saw what was going on, "Bobby. You and Joseph are 12 years old, don't you think you're a little too old for this kind of stuff?" Hank spoke. "Come on, Hank! They're kids!" Dale retorted. "Yeah, let them live a little. They'll be beaten down by society and pretty girls someday." Bill chimed in Boomhauer went on to agree with Dale and Bill that Bobby and Joseph should have a little fun before they have to deal with the "real dang ol' world." Hank gave in and decided to let the boys have some fun, but still stuck to his opinions. Suddenly, a loud POP was heard. "That'd better not be what I think it is..." Hank sighed. Dale tried to reassure his friend that "It might have been one of the cages hitting the back door" but Hank knew a flat tire when he heard one and stopped the truck on the side of the road. 

"Yep. We've got a flat tire, guys. Now, Dale? Would you happen to have a spare tire sitting in there? Hank asked. Dale scrambled into the back of the truck but couldn't find one. "Uhhh, Hank? You won't believe this BUT! We don't have a spare..." he then cowered away in Bobby and Joseph's now finished pillow fort. "Hey, no grown ups allowed!" Bobby shouted as he hit Dale on the head with a SPARE TIRE! "Oh my God, Bobby! This is just what your dad needed!" Dale snatched the tire and handed it to Hank. "Don't underestimate your son, Hank. He's a genius!" Dale said before climbing into the passenger's seat.

Hank tapped Bobby on the shoulder and cracked a smile. "Thank you, son." he said before heading back to the driver's seat. "Wow.... I'm a hero, Joseph!" Bobby gasped before turning to his friend. "I always knew you had it in you, Bobby." Joseph replied giving his friend a high five. Hank looked over at Dale, "You were also a great help to this, Dale. Great job." Hank complimented his friend. Dale thanked his friend and lit a cigarette. 

"Say, Hank. Any updates on that storm?" Bill asked before screaming at the sight of hail. Everyone covered their ears. "Oh my God! Its hailing!" Hank exclaimed. "We should turn around." he said before Dale grabbed the steering wheel, "get in the back, Hank. I'll handle this..." Dale spoke. "Alright..." Hank gave in and climbed into the back seat... "Sit tight, guys. We're going into GRIBBLE OVERDRIVE!" Dale shouted as he sped up the car! A news blurb then turned on by itself "THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. IT HAS STARTED HAILING LIGHTLY NEAR THE HUNTING GROUNDS. IF YOU ARE IN THE AREA, PLEASE HUNT WITH CAUTION!" Dale sighed and sped up faster, he wasn't willing to give up since they were halfway there. Everyone was looking out the window as they were passing by various diners and hotels, the rest of the group was desperate to eat a proper meal, lay in a nice bed, and watch some TV. But they decided to let Dale take over, since when he's this serious, you can't stop him...

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