Chapter 1: A Fine Day For A Beer.

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It was a fine autumn day in Arlen. The leaves were changing color, temperature was dropping, and everyone was stocking up on winter goods due in part to a notice about a snowstorm that was supposed to hit in 3 days, the same day as Hank's hunting trip.




"Mhm." four voices mumbled. That being Hank, Dale, Bill, and Boomhaur.

"So boys, you hear about that snowstorm?" Hank asked opening up a can of beer. "Oh damn. Don't tell me we gotta cancel our deer hunt today." Dale sighed. Boomhaur went on to ramble about how the deer hunt is not important and that they should all stay home. "Boomhaur don't you get it?" Dale scoffed as a sign that he'd be starting one of his famous rants. "The deer hunt is VERY important. Its the last hunt of the year before the animals have to resort to hibernating so the aliens  don't abduct them and try to kill us." he rambled. "Dammit, Dale. There's no such thing as aliens plotting to take half of the population of deer in Arlen. Now shut up before I kick your ass!" Hank retorted. 

Meanwhile, Peggy was checking every cabinet for foodstuffs thanks to the news that this snowstorm would be hitting Arlen the hardest. "Oh Lord I forgot to buy canned peaches..." Peggy panicked. "No worries, Aunt Peggy. I can just run to MegaLoMart and get some more!" Luanne offered before Peggy grabbed her wrist. "No, Luanne. You will stay here with the rest of us while this dammed storm conquers Arlen for the next 2 hours is supposed to stay." the housewife instructed as Hank walked in. "Hey Peg-Leg. Me and the guys are still planning on goin deer huntin' again. So I'll need to go and get Bobby." Hank said walking to the hallway. 
HANK!" Peggy yelled "Don't you know what you're doing? You could be walking into hell out there!" she said firmly. "Now, Peggy. That storm won't be here for another 4 hours, we'll be home before it hits us." Hank reassured his stubborn wife. "Well fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." Peggy scoffed before walking away.

"That wife Ain't right..." Hank sighed. 

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