Chapter 27

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The next day was awkward. As much as Georg and Maria wanted to spend time together they realized they couldn't for fear of getting too attached. At this point Georg was obviously reconsidering his proposal, but Maria had been right in that the children needed a mother figure, and with her leaving, this was the best solution.

Maria's heart broke any time any of the children did anything the whole day she made a mental note, one of the last times she would see Louisa riding with Friedrich out back, one of the last times she saw Brigitta think she was sneaky when entering her father's office in search of a book, one of the last times she would watch Kurt try to sneak up on her and scare her. It crushed her soul. She wished she didn't have to leave them, but it was best. After all she would weigh them down with torturous memories, she couldn't provide them everything they wanted and more, and she certainly couldn't split them up.

That evening after dinner the family decided to watch a movie, since Gretl and Marta were debating amongst each other. Louisa and Liesl shared a look.

The children had been anxious all day to see how well their plan had worked. Brigitta had managed to fill Ellen in who had been giddy at the seams, but yet they avoided each other. The older children, Brigitta and Ellen, oh especially Ellen weren't stupid however. They noticed the longing looks, the excuses to brush hands, but also the genuine pain that covered their faces seconds after these encounters.

"Did you enjoy last night?" Liesl asked from her seat in the corner of the sectional.

"Oh yes, you guys are so thoughtful." Maria gushed

"Really?" Friedrich asked, his hope building up.

"Truly, you guys outdid yourselves and Maria and I greatly appreciate your help." Georg praised them. He had Marta in one chair and smiled over to Maria in the other.

"Does this mean that Maria can stay?" Marta looked up at her father which made Gretl plop the remote on the couch and the other children looked on with anticipation.

"About that-" he began

"We have something we want to talk with you about.'' Maria sat up straighter and folded her hands in her lap.

"What?" Brigitta exclaimed and began to open her mouth presumably to ask a list of questions.

"Now Bri," Georg reprimanded only for the 10 year old to rush upstairs and she could be heard looking around, her feet clunking until she was seen running across the landing and back down the stairs, holding a piece of paper that Maria recognized. Maria shook her head in the direction of the girl and when the girl smiled, thinking the exchange would be happy, Maria simply mouthed "later". Brigitta sighed and made her way over to Maria and leaned against her in the chair. Maria was so overwhelmed with heartbreak in that moment that she could barely keep tears from welling up in her eyes, she hugged Brigitta closer to her.

"We realize that..uh..we never really told you kids what was going to happen after summer," Georg began and Marta sat up to look directly at him

"Do we have to go away?" she asked hurriedly

"Oh no sweetheart," he kissed her head "Never."

"But I will." Maria said and Brigitta jumped and her tears began to fall immediately

"You can't leave us!" Brigitta shouted, her face and heart falling and shattering simultaneously.

"But you don't deserve to be apart." Maria shook her head, willing her tears not to flow.

"Why can't you just get a job down here?" Liesl asked, trying to maintain some decorum. Kurt was shocked, Friedrich and Louisa looked angry and Gretl was sobbing silently.

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