Chapter 18

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The next week progressed beautifully. The group got into a routine, waking up and making breakfast. Some days the whole gang would do something together, while others they would split into groups, each child getting quality time with their father.

Georg was in love with his children, and while spending a chunk of the day with them meant he had to go to bed later in order to stay on top of work, he wasn't bothered. He had learned so much about them all that he deemed the bags under his eyes as a prize.

He had watched as Liesl and Maria took a long stroll every morning, without phones, around the grounds. She obviously trusted Maria, but he had a sinking feeling that it was about issues of the heart. His girl was growing up.

Friedrich was another story entirely, he was so good with computers it made Georg's head spin. More than one night that week he had woken up his son and made him trudge down the stairs only for him to click a button and the problem was solved. He also had a soft spot for his little sisters, especially Marta, who had confided in him about her big brother saving her life. Yes good old Freddie was always there to protect his sisters.

Louisa was the enigma of the group, she had yet to confess any of her true feelings to any adult, not even her brothers and sisters knew her feelings entirely. Georg could tell she genuinely liked Maria and tried her best to be polite to Elsa, but her eyes were too expressive and more often than not and everyone in the room could tell what she was thinking. However she and Brigitta continued to bond, and she was thrilled to not have to share a bed much longer.

Kurt was happy as a lark, he had gravitated toward Maria faster than his own father, Georg couldn't quite pin why that had happened, but he summed it up to a schoolboy crush, that was until he had asked Maria about her family. That puzzled him, it was like his little boy had figured her out before anyone else even had a chance to, nevertheless he liked to be in cahoots with his older siblings.

Brigitta was the most problematic of the little girls, she often asked too many questions to be kept up with, and while she had definitely warmed up to her father, she hadn't let go of Maria entirely, picking her first in any scenario. But at the same time she wasn't as close as even Kurt was to Maria it seemed. She was trying to only know the bare minimum, guarded, with something up her sleeve, clever, like her mother.

Marta was gentle and quiet, yet could be loud when she needed to be, she clung to Maria still, even though she had warmed up to her father. She much preferred Maria to tuck her in, rather than anyone else, yet she had mentioned a few days prior that she wouldn't mind if her father was in the room. She had been such a meek and curious child, and oh so darling. Georg couldn't help but spoil his seven year old rotten.

Gretl was the stranger, she loved everything and everyone, but she could tell you if she didn't. She was sassy and stubborn, much like her father. Georg fawned over her, probably because Marta and Brigitta had dwelled in his mind, yet he hadn't a clue she even existed. She was his baby and he did everything in his power to constantly remind her how special she was.

Another constant reminder was Elsa. She had come a few days out of the week, mostly because she wanted to spend time with Georg. Maria and her would glare at each other across the room, Elsa because Maria would stand a little to close to Georg or the pair would work together in matters resolving the children rather than Georg coming to Elsa. Maria stared because she knew Elsa's intentions, she knew her history and while she had forgiven her, part of her heart still held a grudge.

The children had been up to something that particular Friday. Liesl had chosen to go out with friends, which Georg reluctantly agreed to after being coaxed by Maria.

The day was easy and steady as it always was, but once again a visit from Elsa was due, and once again Max invited himself. When he arrived the children had been thrilled and he immediately began to regale stories of his college days with their father. Elsa took this opportunity to lead Georg into his office, noticing that even Maria was listening to Max.

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