Chapter 4

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  "Georg trust me, Ellen agrees, you need to tell the children the truth. You've told Elsa, why not them. Not to mention think of those two little girls, they need you now more than ever" Max followed his friend into his home office.

"I told you Max, Marta and Brigitta have no idea that I exist, if the children were in state custody I would already have them and if something were really wrong then I would have contacted them, none of those things have happened, therefore I must believe they are alright." He said plopping down in a leather chair in his office.

"But think of the older ones, surely they have expressed some feelings?" Max emphasized sitting in a chair on the other side of his friend's desk.

"No Max, they haven't. I'll introduce them to Elsa when they get back, and we'll be happy." Georg nodded with a nonchalant look on his face

"So what? You're just going to leave your two youngest mother and fatherless? Leave your other children's questions unanswered?" Max was appalled as he rose abruptly from his seat, sure he liked to look out for himself as much as the next guy, but these were children after all. 

"You haven't been the same since she left and you know it, you love your kids, but you've never been honest with them and now you're going to lose the last chance of ever having a truthful relationship with them" Max remained standing and looked down to his friend before taking in the view of the fields through the window right in front of them.

"The city is no place for children, that's why you moved them out here in the first place" Max tried to tell his friend. The pair had known each other for years now, both serving in the navy and ending up in the same community. Max knew he was boisterous, witty and opinionated, while Georg was the same, just on a more subdued level.

"That and I missed the country, it reminds me of childhood. Why would I not want to give my kids the same?" Georg shrugged before pausing at the hypocrisy of his statements thus far.

"I think honesty and perseverance might serve them better than manure" Max shot his gaze at his friend. Georg let the words sink in, perhaps his friend had a point, a rare occasion indeed.

"You know Georg, sometimes I don't blame Agathe for leaving you" Max didn't make eye contact and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Was he doing his children a disservice? He was not the father of the year, and his two littlest knew nothing else, how could he uproot them? How could he expose the truth to his older ones that their mother and his relationship was not what it seemed? That it was more than it seemed? Maybe Agathe was right, he didn't care about his children, only his appearances. But a man has to take care of himself as well. Adults deserve fun, entertainment, pleasure, without it life would be robotic, factorial.

But there was no good way to balance, thus the arrangement was made and nothing else was said, no questions asked or answered. His wife was clever, emotional, intelligent and so like always, he questioned nothing. 


It was a rare occasion that Friedrich and Louisa both had free time, considering they joined nearly every competition in camp, but they had a free hour or two and decided to spend it swimming. Louisa had been preoccupied with the girls in her cabin and her rivalry with Bri while Friedrich had spent most of his time with Kurt.

"-and then she dropped her freaking ice cream on my shoe" Louisa vented as the siblings swam out further

"Maybe if you stopped instigating her she'd lay off" Friedrich panted as he paddled

"Ugh, Fred, you don't get it, she's such a little pest, thinking she knows better than anyone, she's just like Liesl" Louisa stopped traveling and swam in place instead. 

"More like you honestly?" Friedrich rolled his eyes

Louisa splashed him and he wiped his face and pushed his hair back "tell me I'm wrong?" he gave his sister a look "That's how you used to act to her when you were that age, it's like your minds are identical, except she's better at poker" he snorted which earned him a dunking by his sister.

"Ha! I have an idea" Louisa exclaimed when she finally got off of him and he came up gasping for air.

'Oh no" Friedrich said swimming away, expecting another push

"No no no no, I have an idea for revenge, I gotta go tell Hallie and Annie, see ya later" She swam away.

Friedrich watched his sister swim back to shore and after looking around for anyone he knew he too began swimming out to shore.

He spotted a counselor with three little boys and Marta and Gretl, learning how to swim. Marta seemed strong; she was swimming out a bit from the group. The counselor seemed pleased and turned her attention to Gretl and the little boys. All the sudden Friedrich watched Marta plunge under, like she had fallen down a stair or something. Immediately, he was filled with fear and began swimming over so fast it made his arms burn. He knew deep down this was his little sister and he didn't want to see her hurt. He flailed his arms around where he saw her slip and could hear a whistle being blown loudly in the background. Finally he touched a hand and yanked it up with all his might. He grabbed Marta around her stomach and used his free arm to swim back to the surface before reaching somewhere he could touch. He readjusted Marta so she was sitting on his hip and he began patting her back.

"Come on, cough" he patted her back a little harder and she threw up water onto his shoulder but he didn't care.

"Oh my Lord" the counselor had made her way next to him and was panicking

"Thank you so very much son!" she pat Friedrich on the back "She's so new to swimming, I turned to answer a question and she was gone"

"It's alright" Friedrich said as Marta stopped coughing. She looked up at him and then hugged him tightly "Thank you thank you thank you" she said

"Come on honey, let's get you to the nurse" the counselor reached for her and carried her off shore while another counselor led the rest of the little kids onto the sandbar and began talking about "a learning opportunity"

Friedrich couldn't believe he had gotten so panicked over a little girl he had met only days ago. But she was so familiar and she undoubtedly resembled Kurt. She seemed to be the quiet middle child but after that gut wrenching fear there was no explanation. He thought to himself "there's no doubt, that's my sister.

Hey Y'all! So firstly I want to let you know I won't be uploading as regularly. I just started Uni, which is fun, but I have less time. However I can guarantee at least once a week. 

Now for the fun part: Yes this is filler, but piece by piece everything will be revealed. Also if you've seen the Parent Trapp what do you think Louisa's prank is gonna be? I took inspo from the movie on that one. I promise I'm not trying to cut and paste and as the story goes on it will become more unique from both films, but hey that's what fanfic is for right? 

Thanks for reading!

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