Chapter 5

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  Maria decided to buck up the courage to call Georg, but she went to her aunt's house to do so, for moral support of course.

Peg held her hand tightly as she dialed the number and waited impatiently for the ringer to stop.

"Hello?" a confused but surprised voice picked up

'Georg? It's Maria, Maria Rainer, Agathe's friend?" She let go of her Aunt's hand and began to pace the porch, subconsciously avoiding the cracks between floorboards

"Oh yeah, I remember you, do you need something?" he seemed halfway concerned which Maria found astounding, he didn't care for anyone did he?

"It's actually about the girls, you see-"

"Are they hurt, is something wrong?" He asked quickly. He loved his girls and didn't want anything horrible to happen to them, no matter the circumstance

'Well, it's just it's been a month since Agathe passed and all and they actually were left to me, but I feel like they're old enough to know the truth and you are their father after all-"

"The older ones don't even know the whole truth" he stated

"It's not fair Georg and you know it" Maria stomped her foot which made Peg smirk the smallest bit before giving Maria a reassuring nod

"It's even more unfair to tell them the truth, look I know now that you have them which is great. Agathe always raved about you and how upset she was about that, uhm, thing because she knew you'd be a terrific mom, but I'm not a great dad by any stretch, they are much better off with you." He said

"How do you know? You don't know them at all-"

"I know myself well enough to know that Agathe made the right choice, that I am not worthy of raising them and I've been passing by thanks to Ellen with the older ones. Please Maria, keep them." He abruptly hung up

Maria nearly threw her phone on the ground before placing aggressively up and down the porch once more "how could he say that? He doesn't even know them, not even gretl. He has a mansion and a maid and I have a one bedroom apartment and can barely pay rent. And they're better off with me? I wasn't put on this earth to have kids obviously! He's their father-"

"Maria, maybe you weren't put on this earth to have kids physically, but whether you want to admit it or not you are their mother now, you are all those girls have. I wouldn't give up on their father though, it sounds like you may not be the only one who's grieving." Peg stood and hugged Maria tightly

"It will be okay, and I wouldn't put it past Bri to find him herself" Peg chuckled

'Ain't that the truth" Maria said backing away and wiping a tear from her face 


    Brigitta, Maya and two other girls were down at the recreation cabin when Louisa walked in with her two friends Annie and Hallie, who just so happened to be twins.

Brigitta, Maya, as well as Gen and Emily, were all sitting at a table playing uno.

Louisa spotted them and stood right in front of Brigitta before placing her hand between Maya and Gen to get their attention.

"Ok, here's what we're gonna do" Louisa said

"W-what are we gonna do" Maya stammered scooting away from the intimidating thirteen year old

"If you would shut up you'd find out" Louisa snapped, Brigitta had to agree with her rival on that one.

"You and I are gonna play a little game" Louisa cocked an eyebrow

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