art class

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i walked into art class with a surprisingly good attitude. i was genuinely looking forward to class today rather than dreading it like normal. most of the time art just frustrated me, i loved art and everything about it except for the fact that every time i tried to express myself it just didn't come out right. but i had a good feeling about today.

i got out my sketch book and my pencils waiting for mr. newman to start his little opening lecture.

"you'll be needing your sketchbooks today as usual. and this week we're going to begin working on the human body. if you've been paying any attention in my class you'd know we've touched on anatomy some before but this will be much more in depth." he paused as a few late students walked through the door, interrupting him.

"i will assign you partners and you will paint each other nude on your own time. if anyone would is not comfortable with this assignment and would like to be excluded, i have prepared another for you that i'll go over later. for now, i'll give you your partners name and you'll pair up to get to know each other so things aren't so.. awkward." his english accent lightened the mood a little. surprisingly no one wanted to be excluded which saved plenty of time.

i thought about being seen nude by someone, not only being seen but being scrutinised and examined under their artistic eye. it made me nervous but kind of in a good way. i was almost excited to experience something new.

i tuned out anything he said before i heard my name.

"sunny you'll be paired with... billie." he said quickly before moving on. my eyes scanned the room before landing on the brunette woman with bangs. billie was a very pretty girl who had always intrigued me. although i never worked up the courage to talk to her. the most i knew of her was through art which she is extremely talented at. and that she, like myself, was a lesbian.

her glossy plump lips curved into a smile as our eyes locked. i made my way over to her nervously.

"hi." my voice quivered. i had no idea why i was nervous, she never gave me the impression of someone who would judge another persons body but... i was cripplingly insecure about mine.

"hi." her voice was soft and very inviting. i sat my sketchbook down next to hers.

"sorry, i'm- i get nervous easily." i rubbed my arm just standing in front of her awkwardly.

"don't worry, me too." she giggled softly. her sketchbook was driving me crazy and i couldn't help myself.

"c-can i look at some of your sketches?" i asked gesturing toward her book. she slid it closer to me then rested her hand on my book.

"can i look at yours?" she asked. sketches were something very personal to me because i saw them as expressions of emotions or thoughts that couldn't be expressed with words. not only that but i was also extremely afraid of judgement.

"uh... yeah." i picked up her sketchbook and she picked up mine. we went through them together. hers nearly put mine to shame. her execution was much better, just the way she drew was very clean like she knew exactly what she wanted on the paper and put it there without any problems. many of her sketches were of women's faces. and some of them were a nude woman's body with no face. the bodies and faces she drew were very diverse, there were different sizes and shapes and colours. i also noticed a different array of poses. i felt much more comfortable around her knowing that she drew bigger girls. and she didn't seem to be afraid of drawing stretch-marks.

"woah... these are amazing, sunny." she said with her eyes glued to the paper. i let out a nervous laugh,

"thank you, i think yours are amazing too. your lines are so confident and your shading is crazy." i told her. when i looked from the paper to her face, her cheeks had a light blush on them. my compliments got to her.

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