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Cer: Just booked tickets for me and Eliza to go home. We'll be gone before you're home.

Cal: So your not even going to say goodbye or let me say good bye to Eliza?

Cer: Correct.

Cal: but Eliza is my everything.. I care so much for her..

Cer: too bad Hood. Not my problem. Luke's coming with us by the way, only for a week.

Cal: wtf. Are you two together?

Cer: yeah. problem? Atleast luke is a great laugh and a very loving guy.

Cal: so am I!

Cer: whatever.

Cal: please dont go..

Cal: I need you and Eliza..

Cal: please Cerys.., dont leave...

Cer: Goodbye Calum... maybe i'll see you again one say.... maybe not..


Cerys didn't want to leave Calum, but she knew she'd have to eventually. Cerys kind of hoped Calum would maybe save the day, turn up at the airport, persuade her to stay but when she was at the airport that was it. Boarding the plane yet he hadn't showed up, of course he wouldn't. She gave up hope and sat back in her seat, trying to ignore the world.

Calum rushed to the airport, he only just got from the airport, went home to see she wasn't there then rushed back. No luck, he looked at the big screen and seen that Cerys' plane just took off.. Now he wouldn't know where she is, He could wait and get a plane to Wales but then where would he go from there? he picked up his phone and smiled going through their old conversations before smiling widely.,

Cer: I live in Newport, Wales.. you?

Calum quickly booked the ticket, hoping Cerys would forgive him when he goes to her.

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