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(((Joeys pov)))

(at their flat)

I still can't get my mind off that wonderful proposal.. but I'm not sure I want to. Shane is all I could ever ask for, not too perfect, but not too slobby and shit. I can't wait until the wedding! There is so much to plan though... I wonder if Shane will even help me plan, he better. But, I'm gonna take a quick map.

(((Shane's pov)))

(on the couch with laptop)

*googles "nice green and blue wedding colors" says to self quietly "okay, Shane, you can do it" I don't want to make this look shitty, I want this to be the best wedding ever. You know what? I'm just going to start small.. like really small, but still awesome. Like... wine bottles. I don't drink.. but I know joey does. And I don't just want a party of drunks everywhere. I'll just buy simple wine bottles but spray paint them with chalkboard paint and give everyone chalk. I'll only put one bottle at each table though. It'll look elegant. Okay, step one done. *writes chalkboard wine idea in notepad* Okay, the cake is next.

I found one that colorful and beautiful on pinterest *copies image and sends to bakery with caption* "Can you please make this for a wedding in late June?" and *hits send* I'll just call a wedding planner tomorrow for additional help, I'm tired as fuck and already have two awesome ideas.

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