Chapter Eight

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"I said no." Freddy was getting mad, "Go to bed." The staff demanded, "Freddy, please." Billy was getting worried, he didn't want Freddy to stay there longer than he has to. "No! I wanna leave! Instead, I'm trapped inside to hell hole you call a hospital! I need help and I'm not getting it! You just sit on your asses all day not doing shit! You don't care. You never did." Freddy stormed off the unit. Then he was attacked...

"Hold him down." The staff demanded. Billy held him down, starting to cry. He hated seeing Freddy like this.

The truth is...Billy loved Freddy, he absolutely adored him. He hated seeing him upset. At this point Freddy was practically crying, "Let me go..." Billy saw it in his eyes, the pain. The hurt. He couldn't stand it. He let go of Freddy and helped him up, holding him close. "'s okay..." Billy whispered. " have to go." Billy smiled, "W...what...?" Before Freddy got an answer, Billy stormed off out of the hospital. "Hide." Billy demanded, Freddy went to hide in a box in the alleyway near the hospital, as Billy yelled "Shazam!" And went back to his normal self. He went to go get Freddy and picked him up. "Let's go." Freddy was worried and hid his face in Billy's chest.


Once they got back home, Billy told Freddy to get some rest.


"Freddy, you're back?" Rosa went up to him. "Yeah.." Freddy smiled to himself. "I'm so glad. Wanna come have dinner?-" She was cut off, "He had a long day." Billy interrupted. "Oh, well you should get some rest, then. Tell me if you get hungry, sweetie." She pat his back, then Freddy and Billy went upstairs to their bedroom.


Billy saw a piece of paper sitting on Freddy's desk. He wondered what it was.

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