Prego wei? LAN WANGJI NO!

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This one is  dedicated to Lovelessfukai
As a very very very very very very VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY   late birthday present and I am to blame along with my unexpected hiatus streak SO
happy very much so belated birthday ✨  my love this one is for you💃


"GUYS GUESS WHAT!" nuri screamed out causing the occupants of the previously quiet room to jump out thier skin

"WHAT WOMAN!?" Jiang Cheng screamed back "you were just quietly loading the next segment the fuck you screaming for now!?"

"Damn no need to scream" nuri huffed



"Are you fucking with me!?"

"Aiya! Anyways! So one of my dear constellations had her birthday and I missed it so I decided that as a gift I would invite her here to react with us!"

Everybody kept quiet as they stared at the girl in horror




"now now settle down! And it's too late!"


"She's already here!"

As she said this a sudden pressure was felt all throughout the room before a figure appeared out of no where standing near nuri

The figure wore white flowing robes making it impossible to tell the gender of

They had thier beautiful long hair flowing down thier back moving with non existent wind

They had bangs that framed thier face almost too perfectly

On thier face was a white veil so thier facial features where unclear

But when they spoke

A voice that held so much power a pressure that even lan xichen had a hard time keeping his knees from bending

"Hello everyone"

Before anybody could reply nuri flings herself onto the constellation in Glee

"LOVELESS!" she wrapped her hands around the slightly taller person tightly swinging thier bodies side to side

"Ah hello there nuri" the person, loveless patted the girl's head

"Erm" the awkward sound came from somewhere in the quiet crowd

"Ah right loveless why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Right" the figure stepped forward and bowed gracefully

"Hello mdzs I am lovelessfukai, you all can refer to me as loveless-or fukai doesn't matter to me" thier tone of voice indicated that they may be smiling but who knows

"Okay since you guys know them now and obviously them being a constellation they know you, let's get this on the road okay?"

"What are gonna see with loveless now?"

"Hmmm hey loveless?"

"Hm? What's up nuri?"

"How about you choose? I mean this segment is all about you so..."

"Aw really? Thanks nuri "

Loveless came up to nuri as they looked at the screen

"Hmmm....prego wei? Hey nuri how about this one?"

MDZS react to random stuff Cannon And FannonWhere stories live. Discover now