fanfiction reading #1 ' The Rise Of the Divine Oracle'

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before i start shout out BlakSalt the author to this amazing novel if you like great action/romance/jingyi being a goddamn mood/ wei ying getting the love he deserves but he still goes through some pain because if he does not then he is not weiying (as sad as that sound you KNOW i'm right) or anything that has to do with the mdzs fandom READ THIS  bruh i have read this entire novel three times over and i might just do it again so please go read it and the author's other novels thankssssss






"so a-yi it seems you will officially be known as my brother hm?" a-yuan smiled at the boy causing him to choke on the jasmine tea he picked up for a-yuan and himself at the food table  

"sizzzzzhuuiiiiiii" he wined as a-yuan laughed lightly at his brother's  demise

"nope you either call me a-yuan or yuan-gege didi" he teased jingyi even more

"ughghghu" jingyi groaned as he hid his blushing face in his sleeves 

"hey look what we have here it's the lan brothers" jin ling said as he and zizhen sat besides the boys each holding two medium sized bags filled with multicoloured .....clouds?

"shut up young mistress!" jingyi retaliated

"don't call me that!" jin ling huffed "anyways here" he placed on of the bags in jingyi's laps and kept the other for himself

zizhen did the same for a-yuan

"what is this?" a-yuan asked as he eyed the bag

"weird huh? a-ling and i saw it was called 'cotton candy' apparently its sugar , spun like cotton so it dissolves fast" zizhen explained

"yeah we tried it and it's really good and sweet each colour is a different flavour two so we brought one for you guys" jin ling finished as he shoved a piece of blue cotton candy in his mouth

"oh? thanks young mistress" jingyi  smiled " what are the flavours?"

" um i think blue is blueberry, red is cherry, pink is strawberry and orange is...well orange" jin ling informed choosing to ignore the name he was called

"oh it really is good" a-yuan smiled

"HEY GUYS I'M BACK AND I GOT THE FANFICTIONS!" shouted nuri as she reappeared in front of the room

"okay so what we are gonna read now is one of my personal favs call 'The Rise Of The Divine Oracle," she said after giving everyone time to settle back on the couches "before we start any questions?"

lan xichen raised his hand

"yes zewu-jun?"

"young miss can you tell me what this is made from?" he said holding up the snack he was eating " i realized that everything else was labelled but this one was faded?"

"ah that's popcorn it's made from heated corn kernels, after they are popped into that fluffy white thing it is lightly salted you can even eat it while its covered in caramel"

"ah that's interesting and i must say it does indeed tastes good" lan xichen smile lightly 

"heheh okay any more questions?" she asked getting no response " okay  a-yuan can you distribute these please?" she held up a stack of papers

"sure" was a-yuan's response as he handed his cotton candy to a-ling and got up to give out the papers

"okay as he is doing that i will read to you the stories description " she started " What comes easy won't last long, and what lasts long won't come easy. Wei Wuxian has a destiny that has yet to reveal itself. Hardship was just the beginning, sacrifice is the price he must pay and love will be the light that guides his way to greatness."

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