tiktoks #2 part 1

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"anyways baes, bubs and ugly hoes we are gonna move on" nuri spoke up getting every bodies attention

"Wait wait wait what did you address us as?" Ask a perplexed jc

"We are gonna be reacting to more TikToks in two categories" nuri completely ignored the man causing him to sputter as his brother laughed at him

"And what will those categories be?" Nie huaisang ask amused

"Funny and sad"

"Oh....are we starting with the sad ones first to wash it away with happy?" Jingyi asked quietly

"Yes a-yi" she said "first up, background info, ummm so it's after wwx killed himself at nightless city he did roam as a ghost for bit we are just gonna see what he did as he ghost"

Everyone kept quiet as the screen lights up

Depressing music is the first thing that is shown as wei wuxian as the yilling patriarch fell backwards off a cliff in slow motion

" *Gasp* no a-niang!" The lan brother cried out in shock

"Wei ying" lan wangji quietly said as his grip in his wife tightened as if to remind him self he is right there next to him

'oh a-xian' jiang Cheng though

Wwx stayed quiet

'fall in love-

The next scene show of lan wangji getting his punishment, being whipped mercilessly as his brother loudly sobs while being held back by two other elders

"Oh lan zhan I'm so sorry" wwx cried into his husband's chest

"Not your fault Qīn'ài de, not you fault" lwj console

'yeah it my fault' came the saddened thought lxc

'try (baby I'm right here, right here)-

The music picked up as the scene show jiang wanyin as he kneeled down in front of a bed as he cried into it's we made sheets gripping the ghost flute to his chest in one hand and a baby cradled to his chest

"A-cheng I'm-" wwx got cut off

"Stop right there a-xian stop apologizing for things you could not Change"


a see through wei wuxian is shown as he kneeled next to a lan wangji who was silently crying with a baby a-yuan in his arms




'ill be with you from dusk till dawn-

Baby a-yuan is then shown awake as he looked directly at wei wuxian who smiled warmly at the baby who in which smiled back as he tried to reach for his xian-gege only for the ghost man to disappear

"So that's why he started to cry" whispered lwj

This sadden little a-yuan greatly as he started to wail causing lan wangji to re-position him as whisper sweet nothing it the child's ear


"That is so sad"

"It's heartbreaking"

The music is heard again as the ghost figure sat on the best near jiang wanyin's head and slowly reached out a hand to stroke his hair next to the figure, another figure of a young maiden in purple sat down and also started to stroke the crying man's hair

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