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Assalamu aaalaikum guys!

Today I'm back again with an owesome and thrilling ukhti, who hasn't stopped to leave us in awe with her writings.. SubhanAllah ❤

She is such a pure soul with so much humbleness, Alhamdulillah.

So... Welcome our guest of the day... __Miss_Fantasy__

Asslamu aalaikum sumaiyya di! 

This is Rowdymuslimah. 

*Hi-five * 


First of all could you please introduce yourself to us?  

Wa alaikum assalam Habibti! I am Sumaiya Thaseen an amateur writer who tries portray reality in the form of fictional fantasy. Just another human being who wants to educate my readers not to commit the same mistake when thrown over similar situations.

A unique way ❤

It is a blessed blessing for us - the writers, to be able to live, to breath more than one life, SubhanAllah! We cry, laugh, blush and admire the characters of our book, so my first question for you is, which is the character you have lived the most? 

I have lived, went through all my character's shoes in every scene, have laughed at their jokes, blushed at their intimate moments, cried due to their tragedies, spent sleepless nights living in the reality of their lives. Recently, Naeem from Let it Rain is the character I lived to the fullest and my cheeks warmed up whenever Musab came close to her lol.

Don't even ask me how I felt when I would imagine Aashiq smile 🙈😪

It is another type of pleasure to witness our book being completed, to mark it as a completed novel Wallahi! I wanna ask you how does it feel or how can you describe the feeling? 

For me, it's just like completing the annual examination and basking with happiness and looking forward to the holidays. It just feels exactly like it.

I wanna feel that feeling too *whines * 😿

In the journey of being a writer, how does it feel when you discover you have a poet hidden behind it? 


It surprises me everytime when I take my phone, switch on the document to write and suddenly, words flow. Metaphors born and words flow poetically. 

Wallahi, Tears of love has left me with uncountable tears. I instantly felt connected with it like I was in Jessima's shoes. It is indeed a talent to leave your reader in awe, but sometimes writing a particular moment which is emotional can leave us in tears too, can't it? I wanna ask you, how was it to you, were you left in tears too? 

You can never imagine what I went through while writing the ending, the death scene and everything. I was also left in infinite tears and heartbreak. 

I faced death, I saw my soul leaving through my eyes and it took immense of my strength to gather courage to pen down each and every scene.

Now a days, all of the population uses social media. In the form of Wattsapp, facebook or instagram, but the most important demerit of it is, we can't feel any emotion through it like if a person is apologizing you but you just can't say it firmly that the particular person is sorry in the true sense right? I wanna ask you, according to you which are the disadvantages you've faced personally? 

Alhamdulilah! I have not found any one hurting my emotions or that sort. Online friendships have bloomed into beautiful relationships too.

Alhamdulillah ❤

In this journey of yours, what was the compliment you've received that you just can't forget? 

They are so many but I love whenever my readers relate to the lives of my characters or fight over my male leads and cherish the book to their heart.

Aww 🙈

And to wrap up this interview, I wanna ask you, what are those tiny lessons that you've learnt form the past years, which you'd keep with you forever? 

Countless to be precise. Life is full of lessons, we commit mistakes to learn the lessons. I have included most of them in my books and I hope you all find them useful.

Inn sha Allah ❤

Jazaki Allahu khair ukhti ❤

May Allah grant all of us ease and sabr. Ameen.

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