Boring stuff.

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Assalamu aaalaikum my dear readers and all the honorable audience!

As you have read in the description of the book, in Seven Question, I'm gonna fulfill the little desire which was hidden since all those interviews started to fancy me!

Yes, I love watching or reading interviews. All of my YouTube feed is stuffed with that. And I'm not gonna say that's weird.

But I realized they ask too much common questions in their interviews.

What are your hobbies?

What is your crush?

What you do in your free time?




Seriously bro, all those busy people just gave you their time to be asked these types of questions?


I've come with a new definition of interview book!

And Inn sha Allah I will try my best to entertain my Interviewee.



Tag your favorite authors, you wanna get interviewed.


Stay tuned.

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