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Asslamu aalaikum guys!

Today I am here with the kindest person I have ever met in my life. She has become very special to me within few hours!

May Allah Alwys keep you shining!

Everyone welcome, Selenophile_konain a potterhead just like me!

Do check out her work.

Without any delay, let's get started with the interview!

( P. S : she was as nervous as me! Lol!)





Please introduce yourself,

___ My name is Syeda Tanzeela Konain. I'm a 16 years' old, just a normal girl. I love writing and reading as well. I'm an Ambivert.

So, my first question for you is, I figured that you're not good at first impression, can you tell me what was that first impression when you discovered you are good at it?

___ I have ruined my first impression many times. I become a different person while talking to people for the first time. When I talk to you, it's not totally the me talking to you. I'll try to know you and then I open up. Lol.

Okay, you are sort of mysterious person.

___ But I know you should be yourself everytime and try not to be like others. Lol. I sort of fear thinking they might not like me.

Yes, I have that fear too. The fear of people disliking you or judge you by your look or the impression you put up.

___ sort of, but I fear I might hurt them. 😅

You, my friend have a kind heat!

And I Mean it!

My next question for you is, without any doubt Allah has created us in the best moulds, but somewhere in a girl's life we think, situation would have been better if we were a boy, have you faced like this before?

___ Yeah, I absolutely had thoughts like this. But I realized something, women are way more stronger than men. They can bear pain and make themselves strong!  Men can't handle the pain we do. They just can't. We should be proud that we are girls. We can do things boys can't even think of! And in Islam girls have more respect than men. Because Allah has made us stronger by heart! 'proudtobeagirl'

SubhanAllah! Indeed Islam has put forward how women should be treated!

But sometimes I too think, if I were a boy I would have wondered all over the world without any second thought. You have faced like this before?

Yeah, but we can do it too right?  We can travel too. We can be independent too. Like how Khadija (R. A.) was. She was a great businesswomen. Who travelled from one place to another.

Awww Alhamdulillah I have such an amazing ukhti with me right now!

*Wipes away invisible tears *

Jazakillah Lol.

You should be okay with my dramatic nature till now. *shrugs *

I am! No, I love it actually 😂

My next question for you is, as every other human being, you too might have faced the dark days, in the hope of sun? How you deal with those dark days?

___ Having hope, is the best way to deal with your dark days. Having hope in your lord and yourself. For Allah says, don't loose hope not be sad! Think of those dark days are test. And we need to have patience for after those dark days, the sun will rise as a happy thing!

Very very classy!

*impressed face *

*pats your shoulder *

Thanks 😂

Moving forward, India is a land of varieties and is a non Islamic country too. My question for you is, what are the challenges you have faced living in it and besides that what are the perks of being an Indian?

___ Well, Alhamdulillah in my state, there isn't much about religion. But sometimes I feel bad, I think it's about the government not India. India is an amazing country. And I love it. But the leaders aren't good. They are misleading the generation. So, I hope we see the truth and choose a good government who doesn't discriminate.

I totally liked your positive vibes in each question!

Awww Jazakillah 😍

Moving forward to the light question, I wanna ask you, which quality of Hermonine you like the most?

She is so pretty! 😍

___ I love her!  I love how she tries to understand the problem then tries to find the solution. She made me realise that girls are warrior and queens! I like how she concentrates on the problem until she finds the solution. I also love one thing about her, that she can scare Harry. Lol! 😂

Her and Harry's friendship is of another level! I always used to ship her with Harry but... Nevermind 💁

Yeah man, me too!

From your love for nature, my next question for you is, what is the best thing you like about nature?

___ Nature is everything!  It gives me peace. The chirping of birds to the smell of petrichor, it feels like heaven. Appreciating the nature and must be grateful that you can see it's beauty.

Alhamdulillah that we are able to see it!

And last but definitely not the least, I wanna ask you, as a writer we often face so many difficulties or negativities, so from your perspective, how you deal with them?

___ So many of them!  I even tried to delete all of my writings!  But doing mistakes or having failures are the things which makes you perfect! Shining with flaws is Alwys more beautiful and that is what I have leant as a selenophile.

Moon is not perfect, but it is the only one! And people adore it with it's flaws. I hope they learn to adore themselves too.

Inn sha Allah with your beatiful words, all of those struggling writers will get lessons!

I'm in that list too!

Hope so. Inn sha Allah. And I'm so glad Rowdy. Thank you very much I'm honoured talking to you!

Wallahi I enjoyed it too!

This was my first time getting an interview of anyone. 😅😅

Oh well, you did so great! Ma sha Allah. Best wishes and lots of love.

Allah Hafiz.

Allah Hafiz ~~

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I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we did!

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