heartcatch precure vs their evil ideals

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Me:i wonder what happen during the battle.

Blossom:we don't know but have to keep going for friends sake.

Sunshine:but I'm not going to lie I'm worry about them.

Whip:that have fought against their villains.

Mermaid:yes we all have fought against our villains our fairies have been taken and we don't know what could been happening to them.

Natula:my my you made it but it would seem the fresh precure and the pirate are no where to be seen anywhere but i have another surprise for the heartcatch precure here there are.

Natula:my my you made it but it would seem the fresh precure and the pirate are no where to be seen anywhere but i have another surprise for the heartcatch precure here there are

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Blossom:what no bit there are a part of our test.

Marine:that can't be possible.

Dark blossom:oh but it is now girls get ready or not*all four strike*.

Sunshine:ahh*put up shield*this won't hold up forever the rest go we got this.

Moonlight:we do.

Dark precure:do we now well not for long cause I'm and this is between us and the them not you so bye*push the others out of the room*

Marine:dark precure that must means dune is back too.

Dark moonlight:sorry but we can't tell you that not really.

Blossom:everyone take down ypur copys and then we take dark precure


Dark sunshine:good luck with that cause our powers are now much stronger then before.

Sunshine:even so we won't let you stop us from saving our friends.

Dark sunshine:ugh whatever your too much sunshine it must be fun to have the girls attention when you were pretending to be a boy.

Sunshine:no it was not fun it was lying to them and the fact i was taking my brother place until he gotten better.

Dark sunshine:and how long did that take you could have been a girl if you didn't take your brother place even when he got better you still took his place.

Sunshine:he was recovering after the surgery and need to build his strength to take his place back.

Dark sunshine:even so you couldn't be yourself without then you would still be what you were before.

Sunshine:that is true but i have made choices that are best for me time to finish you.

(Just pretend the monster is dark sunshine)

Blossom:ugh i remember that no one can change fast it takes time and i will take my time and you or any villain will stop me.

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