three dares three truths

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Me:hello precure's and ex villains today we are doing three dares and three truths.

Haruka:ok how will today go .

Me:well one member of each team will get one dare each same for the truth.

Haruka:oh ok got it.

Minami:ok who goes first.

Me:the one for the kira kira today is Ciel her dare is kiss Bibury.

Ciel/Bibury:what way.

Me:because people ship you two together alright don't blame me ok.

Ciel:fine i can just kiss her hand right*kiss Bibury hand*

Bibury:ok the dare is done let move on.

Me:dare number 2 goes to in the smile precure goes to kelsey her dare is to say what drive her crazy when fighting as a precure.

Kelsey:ok what drive me crazy is when we get a break one just show up and ruin everything!!

Emily calm down Kelsey ok.


Me:ok number three goes to kirara her dare is to diss close.

Kirara:really that it ok then well close is very dumb and very easy temper person and really thought his plan to get rid of flora was really dumb and fail as i might add that.

Me:ok that enough dissing close for the time being now it time for the truths part number 1 goes to aoi have you ever thought about being anything else beside a rock star.

Aoi:no not really but maybe i should think what i could be beside a rock star.

Me:ok good luck with that now number 2 goes to april is there a day that your siblings make you crazy without them knowing.

April:uhh ok yes there are days that when my siblings are making me goes crazy being with my friends help me a lot.

Me:oh my gosh you poor soul well good luck with that now truth number 3 goes to towa when your brother stay back in the castle in hope kingdom to protect you and the others did you feel bad about.

Towa:yes i did back then but i learn that he did that cause he cares for me it gave me the will for me to keep look forward and defeat despear and her minions and save hope kingdoms.

Me:thank you for that towa that was very touching *and perhaps for the reader to care for their families*now time to put this chapter to a close say bye everyone.


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