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Agis: "Mom, can you tell me a story?"

Right before my mother could leave my room, I asked her this simple request that I'd ask of her every night. She turned to me with a warm smile. Her bright green eyes and dark brown glistened in the moonlight coming in through the open window. She wore a long dress that was covered in dust and dirt. Most of our clothes were like that, being peasants in the kingdom we lived in.

Mom: "Of course, Agis"

She sat down next to me on my bed. She poked my nose with her finger, which I couldn't help but love when she was about to tell me a story.

Mom: "I'll tell you a story of the worlds greatest knight and king, Arthur Pendragon"

I sat upright so I could cuddle up close in her arms. She wrapped her arms around me and started running her hand through my somewhat spiky dark brown hair. I looked up at her with my bright green eyes that resembled hers.

Mom: "Once upon a time, there was a boy named Arthur Pendragon. He was born in the Kingdom of Camelot. One day, his brother requested Arthur to bring him a sword. So off he went, into the forest to find a sword for his brother. While searching, he found a sword, protruding from a large stone. He went to pull it out, and he succeeded. Unbeknownst to him, he had just set his own fate at that moment"

Agis: "Why?"

Mom: "Because the sword he drew was called Excalibur, said to be a holy weapon that would grant its wielder immortality during battle. It was also said that the holy sword could control the elements of nature itself. It was also the symbol of the king of Camelot. It was said that whomever could draw the sword from the stone would be destined to be king. And since Arthur drew it, he would be destined to be the next king of Camelot"

Agis: "Is he still alive? I want to meet him!"

Mom: "Sadly, his royal highness passed away. After his death, however, his sword was melted down and reforged into four swords that were split between four of the most powerful knights in all the land. And when the sword was divided, each sword held the power to wield one of the four elements the holy sword could control. Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind"

Agis: "So what happened to Camelot?"

Mom: "Unfortunately, the four knights were at odds with each other, each thinking they deserved the throne. As a result, the kingdom was split into four parts, each ruled by one of the four knights. And it has been that way until this day. In fact, we live in one of those kingdoms"

Agis: "Which one?"

Mom: "The Kingdom of Wind"

After telling me a little more of the story, I had fallen sleep in my mother's arms. She laid me in my bed and tucked me in. She gave me a kiss on my forehead before walking towards the door and leaving me to sleep.

If only I'd cherished my time with her a little more.
Hey everyone! Welcome to my new book!

I know the prologue is REALLY short, but trust me, the actual chapters will be MUCH longer, maybe 3-4K words each.

This prologue was only 500 words, but I didn't want to have too much in this, it is the prologue after all.

Anyways, I hope you're all excited for this new story!! I'll have the next chapter up soon!

I love you all, and I'll see you later!!

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