Oh God, It's Hereditary

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Happy Supergirl Finale Day.


Everyone stood around, looking at the Kryptonian in front of them. It had been an hour since the Kryptonian revealed she knew about chat, that she had been reading everything they had sent since they all started.

"So you've been watching our chat for the last two years?" Alex asked, staring at her little sister.

Kara smirked, looking at her phone. "Yeah, when you created it. I'm glad my misery brought you all joy."

"How did you keep it a secret?" Nia questioned, looking nervous.

"I wanted to see what you guys said," Kara responded, getting her phone out. Lena watched as she opened the texting app. "Imagine if it cut her fingers got cut off? How would Supergirl save the world? I wonder if it's too late to return her. I have bad new, or good news but Kara has solar flared. Human Kara brings us joy. And my favorite, Kara lost her fingers, did you get pictures?"

"I am so sorry!" Nia pleaded, getting a smirk from Lena.

"You're lucky I don't have powers right now."

"Thank your god," Nia muttered, leaning back. Brainy wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed the side of her head. Nia smiled as she leaned into it.

"Anyways, who wants dinner? I think I have this down," Kara said, turning around. Lena could hear Kara moving around in the kitchen.

Kelly smiled softly. "I guess that backfired on most of you."

"By most, you mean Alex and Nia," J'onn commented, looking pleased with the outcome.

"Lena," Kara called out, her face pale, as she walked to the living room. Her hands were covering her stomach.


"I, we need to go to the hospital," Kara said, moving her hands to show Lena what happened.

No one said anything, no one moved. They just stared at Kara, who had a knife sticking out of her stomach.

"How does that happen?"


"Please?" Kara pleaded, looking at Lena with wide eyes.

The haired woman sighed. "We don't have the space for one."

"We can move. We can afford it! And I will feed it and train it. Please?" Kara gave Lena the puppy eyes, and her wife gave in.

"Fine, we can get a dog."

Kara fist pumped in joy, only to trip on her own feet and hit the ground, face first.

"Should have trained you first."

Kara just smiled fondly.


Lena and Kara walked in the building. Lena could see how excited Kara got from the barks coming from the cages. Lena followed after Kara, watching as the blond scanned every animal, giving each her full attention.

The dark harried women just watched, fondly, as Kara searched for the one pet that she felt most connected with.

"Found him," Kara said, two hours into the shop. Lena looked away from the black kitten she was looking at. The younger woman gave the kitten a smile and promised to return, before walking towards her wife. "Look," Kara said, pointing to the small, golden retriever.

"It looks like you, when you were one," Lena teased, watching as the puppy chased his own tail.

Kara shot her a look. "Ha, ha."

Kara Danvers vs. Being Human: The Times Supergirl Solar FlaredWhere stories live. Discover now