Nightmare smp

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Tommy POV

Everything was bright, once we made it to the other side of the portal I feel light headed and I feel like I'm going to faint. But someone catches me.

"C'mon Tommy we need to get to safety" purpled said getting me to stand straight, once I could stand the purple alien picked up shroud.

"This looks different from when I left" I said looking around, "yeah it seems happier in some way" "yeah". We both walk side to the prime path, once we got to the community house we saw three people in it.

I walked to the door and froze. "Oh my god you suck at pvp" a person who looks similar to George says, he doesn't have his signature glasses on showing his multicoloured eyes. He isn't wearing his mushroom cape or crown and instead of having soft features that's mans has hard one. Similar to dreams, he wore his blue shirt but it was dark blue and his white and red strip on his was the the opposite way.  He had faded black jeans with ripped and worn out holes.

"Hey! Don't be that mean to nightmare" one of the other people said. This man similarly looked like sapnap, he had his normal black hair with the white bandana and white shirt but instead of the fire flame in the middle it was a water simple, his eyes were bright blue. He was also wearing worn out jeans but his was a faded blue and had these type of stockings under. He honestly looks like a panda hybrid then the blaze one on the dream smp.

"It's alright pandas but thank you" the last person from the trio spoke. And my heart froze the dude looked so much like dream but not the same colour scheme. Instead of a white mask with a black smiley face he has a black mask with orenge evil like smile. He seemed to have dark brown hair then the normal dirty blond dream had. He's wearing a red jumper and doesn't seem to be wearing armour or have any weapons on his which dream is never seen without. This dream copycat had a some sort of hunting pants but he doesn't necessarily look like a hunter.

"They look like the dream team" purpled whispered in my ear ear, I nodded and hummed in response. "Hey who the fuck are you" the George look alike said grabbing a sword and Ponting at purpled and me.

"LANGUAGE!" The panda hybrid said shouting at the other, usally I would start swearing just to annoy this person who seems to act like bad but this isn't the perfect time even more with dream hunting us down.

"Tommy? Yellowed?" The dream copycat said walking towards us, "who the fuck are you" I said trying my best to look intimidatingly I possibly can. "What are you talking about? It's me, nightmare".

I just looked towards purpled who also seemed confused, "are you guys ok? Yellowed why are you wearing purple you always wear yellow" this nightmare person looking towards purpled.

"I'm purpled not yellowed." "Wait so your not yellowed then why do you look like him" the panda hybrid said coming cloes as well as the other.

"It's cause their intruders, get them!" The dark George said, purpled then grabbed my arm and ran.

We heard yelling behind us and foot steps, "my space ship should be close" I could hear the alien talking. "Let got of my fúcking hand shit hear I ran run myself" I yelled. I'm capable of doing things myself thank you very much.

"Wait didn't your UFO get blown up" purpled then seemed to stay quiet. Well shit I hit a spot there didn't I. Purpled then shoved me and shroud into my arms and I got send up with end portal escalator thing into this wide room.

Purpled soon appearing next to me, the house type thing does look like purpleds ship but it was black and white all around. "Well stay here for a bit" the purple alien said sitting down from where he was standing.

I put shroud down and sat next to purpled, I started picking at the end of my sweater and knowing I would have to fix it. "The sweater you made me is really comfy and nice, thank you for that" I looked to purpled confused.

That's when it hit me, someone must of found my sweater collection and handed them out. "It's really well made, especially yours and shrouds" he continued. "When did you learnt to see or knit" "from therapy, puffy said I should try making stuff for my friends and we'll I started to like it so I made more stuff".

"Mama" I heard shroud say I looked up to see he was now holding hands with a tall ranboo? "Who are you and what you doing here, and take your child back" i quickly stand up and pick shroud up.

"You guys are clearly not Tommy and yellowed so who are you" "and how do you know that" purpled walked forward looking ready to fight this other ranboob.

"Cause they won't run from the nightmare team, and your clothes don't match. Expectedly you alien one" "we mean no harm I'm trying to protect my Tommy from dream who trying to kill him, we actually didn't mean to come here. Just try help us leave before dream funds were here and hurts everyone here."

The ranboo seemed to stop and think, "sounds like your server is the opposite of mine. I'm rainbow and you two are?" "I'm purpled and this is Tommy" purpled shook rainbows hand. "Rainbow? Our well version of you is called ranboo" "fucking weird name I tell you".

"I like you, I'm calling you better ranboo." "But my name is rainbow" "no it's better ranboo" before better ranboo could protest again purpled asked if there was a place far that they could stay.

"Oh yeah! Patches yet is good." "Pogchester?" "Yeah yellowed and Tommy's little nation and stuff". I look towards purpled and he seemed to have the same thought.

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