The diffrences

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Tommy POV

Mine and this ranboo is very different. It's not that hard to tell, yes once's the villain and another's a victim but put those aside it's hard to see they are the same person.

Tommy's ranboo is nice and very gullible, he doesn't like picking sides but will help the people who are nice to him. Hes rich and will give you his items if you need help or need one. Hes sweet and I guess pure.

Not this ranboo, he's not gullible and won't fall for anything. It's very clear he picks side for him being a villain, he doesn't necessarily help people but from what Tommy knows he only likes to help him. Just likes Tommy's ranboo he's also rich but he will not share anything to anyone, their motto is finder keepers losers weepers. Literally. He sees it it's his and he'll kill anyone who touches or even comes close to it.

I've also noticed ranboo likes to stay near me if not near me then he's always seems to stay in sight. Just like how ranboo was with tubbo on the other server he seems to do with me.

I've asked tubbo about it and he just say "your crazy ranboos not like that" I groan fallin into tubbos lap. "Get off me" tubbo shouts trying to push me off, "nah I'll think I'll stay" I get comfy and just stare at tubbos angry face while trying to shove me.

Tubbos strong and could easily push me off him if I didn't have push of my arms around his waist hugging it. The brunette groans and gives up. I give a sound of victory intel I feel arms around my waist.

They pull me out making me let go off tubbos waist and he jumps up and mocks me. I try to look at who's holding me but the person wouldn't let me.

"Thank you boo, he wouldn't let go" oh so it's this asshole, I feel a hand go where my skin and wing meet and feels someone rub there. I immediately feel fuzzy and see black.

Couple hours later

I start to feel myself again and wake up, I soon as I could feel my hand I can tell I was not in my room. The sheets seem softer and more silk then mine.

I groggily open my eyes to not surprisingly be not in my rooms. I looks around and examine it, the bed had a black bored with purpled sheets and pillows. Next was a bedside table were a crown sat in all its shiny glory.

Straight away I could tell this was ranboos room, he also seemed to have a allium flower in a nice pot.

I guess there are definitely similarities to both of them. I smile looking at it remembering when my ranboo gave me mine, I even have it in the bag that I came with.

They also have a bunch of chest up further into the room that he could see. Tommy sighed and leaned back but he then felt something hard. Confused Tommy looked behind him to see the one and only ranboo sleeping, now I was confused and very embarrassed.

I managed to slowly get out of ranboos hold and walked out of the room, into my room? So ranboos room in the pub was somehow unknowingly connected to mine.

I saw shroud in my bed and I went to sit in it putting shroud on my lap, I run my hands through his curly black hair and sat watching the sky from my window.

Ranboos been acting weird but Tommy doesn't know why, he thought tubbo and ranboo would be as close as they were in his original server. Seeing as they both were soulmates but now they seem to have the friendship that tubbo and him have.

Tommy doesn't know what to do with a clingy ranboo, but whatever what was happening can wait. Tommy felt like something bad was going to happen and all he wants to do is be close with shroud.

Tommy sat there till the sun rose, he doesn't know how long it's been but he sure didn't feel tired.

When shroud starting waking up he was full of energy and wanted to play with his 'Mimi'. He doesn't know why but both and shroud and micheal call him Mimi or mommy.

Though he doesn't mind, but today he just wanted to either knit or sew something so he did. He decided to knit another sweater, and let his brain take control.

"Hey Tommy" Tommy looked up and saw jack, "be careful with your blaze rods, you might set the room on fire and if you do I'll kill you." I said looking him in the eyes.

"Understandable, so what you doing" "knitting and sweater" "you can knit? Since when?" "Since I started to go to therapy" oh shit. He messed up big time, this Tommy hasn't gone through trauma that they know of and he's going ti blow his cover.

He looked at jack and had a confused expression, "you go to therapy? Never knew there was one" "oh uh no there isn't haha, just a game me and shroud play" he seems to look and shroud and shroud nods with a big smile.

I finally let go of the breath I've been holding, I know shroud can read me well and when I'm in a situation like this I know he can back me up.

"Alright, we'll this sweater for anyone" jack said changing the topic which I'm thankful for. "So anyone this for In particular" "no just doing what my mind does" "hey that looks like something ranboo would wear" jack said pointing to my hands.

I look down and realise it does, it's black with purple type balls and a little crown wear in the corner of the chest. "Huh? It does" "you should give it to him, he needs to wear something else other then his stupid royalty wear".

"What's wrong with it, don't like cause you can't pay for something like it" I heard a voice outside my door, jack turns around pales. There stood was ranboo and tubbo with arms crossed and a somewhat angry expression.

"I could totally pay for it, how much is it" "well the uh shirt is like a stack of diomends-" and with that jack just walked past them, ranboo was smiling while tubbo was looking at what I was holding. "Yo that's so cool" he said coming closer.

"Make me one please" "sure why not" "haha I get one and you don't" tubbo turns around and points to ranboo who was leaning on the door.

There's definitely a different but if you look close enough their the same.

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