Chapter 15: Jinuniverse

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/// Ash's POV ///
I heard faint murmurs and a camera taking a picture. I heard Seto's sending a message tone and started to stir. I listened as feet stamped down the stairs and someone shutting the door. I opened my eyes and looked down, not moving my head. There was Seto, Seto's arms wrapped around my middle. His head was lightly resting on my shoulder. Seto's legs were intertwined with mine, our feet covered by a small black knitted blanket. I think my face literally was lit on fire. Seto twitched and he opened his eyes, his soft morning gaze on mine. When he realized, his eyes grew three sizes and he was almost as red as me. He sprung off the bed and ran out the door. I pictured where he was and teleported right in front of him in the hallway. He skidded to a stop and looked at me.
"I'm reeereeeeeeeeallly sorry Ash...." He looked down, blushing furiously.
"It's okay Seto..."
I didn't know what I was doing, but I leaned in and connected our lips. He kissed back.
Due to human necessaries of air, we pulled away and Seto was staring directly at me. I pecked his lips and hugged him.
"*Cough* *cough* Setshly *cough* *cough*" I heard Brooklyn say/cough thingy.
I gave her the 'look'.
" Anyway lovebirds, everybody knows, Mitch texted them a picture... ANYHOW! Ashley, go wake up Ty, Jin, and Adam. BTW Jason packed up and left last night Seto, we found a letter on his bed. Mitch, Jerome and Husky are already down there!" She gasped for air. [[ I'm killing off random people! To many to remember! RIP Jason, Bash, Okward]]
"Okay Brooklyn, thanks!" I answered.
I walked down the hall to Adam's and Ty's room and opened the door. That was a huge mistake. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ty pressed up against the wall by Sky, kissing. I pulled out my phone [[ From where?!?']] and took a quick picture and ran out of the room screaming "REVENGE!!" I practically threw my phone on the table and yelled, LOOK! I ran to Jin's room but the door was locked. I didn't have enough time to slow down and I head first collided with the door, passing out.

‰‰‰ Seto's POV ‰‰‰
We were all looking at the picture when we heard a huge bang from upstairs and a loud thump afterwards. I sprinted up the stairs and cradled Ashley in my arms. Surprisingly Jin's door hadn't smashed, and he didn't wake up.
Ty walked over, his hair a mess, tapped on Jin's door and yelled "JIN?" No answer.
"Husky, would you please?" Sky said, gesturing towards the door.
Husky rammed into the door breaking it down. There was no one in the room.
"What the?" I stood up, carrying Ash bridal style.
There was a note on his bed, it read

Dear What's left of my friends,
I'm okay. I fell in love with Jason and we both left to live together. I hope we can still be friends. We are moving to Ontario, Canada.
Much apologized,

"AWWWWWWW! DA FEELS!" Brooklyn squeezed her cheeks.
Ashley shifted in my arms and slowly opened her eyes.
"Jin left with Jason, dey LUUUUV each other!" I whispered. [[I said I was getting rid of some! I is done now! OR AM I?]]

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