The Parting

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ALMOST TWO weeks of medication but still no changes at all.I am trying hard to help him to get back in shape.It is like I am having a real patient.But Uno is our friend.Uno is family.I never skipped his medication.The vet gave him three kinds of it.This is just the second time that he got sick,but before it is just a simple colds.Uno is such a healthy one.He never get tired.Uno is slow but not weak.But look at him now.

He has both.
Slower and weaker.

Everyday, I clean Uno with a wet towel.I buy him liver spread for food.I dropped and wet his mouth with dextrose powder.Almost everyday we are like that.Me and my family take good care of him.I clean his poop and wash his blanket everyday so he can use it for the night.Because most of the time he pooped there.I dont care about the smell of it.When I am away,my kids are the one who take care of him.But he never drink or eat if I am not the one who is doing it.

It has been a while with that kind of situation. Sometimes I think that it is hopeless, until I see that he is starting to get up and wiggle his tail. But I cant be sure. Not if he has already smiled his eyes at me.

IT HAS been almost a month. At last, I am seeing a lot of changes.He begins to sit.Eat a lot.And finally smile his eyes on me.It is really a relief when I saw him stand up.I said to myself thank God he is okay.I also observed some changes in his body.His breath really stinks.And the head part of him became deep.It is like his brain is sucked out that it flattens and made his head that deep.

Uno is already alright. He can walk,not so much running, but can catch up. He can easily get tired.Uno is just two years old, turning three. Not so old but he is so slow right now.He begin following me again. But this time,I need to wait for him.It was really a miracle. If just everybody can see what I did for him and if everybody could just see how he struggle for his life. Pages cant tell how long and shaky road we travelled. But I am really thankful that we did it.

IT WAS June. We were all starting to get busy for school. Uno is still the same. Slow. He never gets back from what he was before. Even muning now, can always pick on him. The shaking of his body never stopped. Sometimes people laugh at him because of that,but I am always there to defend him. I never let anyone make fun of him. I easily get mad. I love Uno so much that I would slap somebody if he would laugh loud.

I thought that everything was just fine.

Until one day, I again found him staring blankly at nowhere. Of course, in his favorite place. I sat beside Uno. When I looked at him and called his name,he just smiled his eyes at me. I cant explain how I am feeling, but there is something really wrong. I feel like it is really the end, I dont know how and why but I really can feel it by the way he stare at me. It seems that he wanted to tell me something that he just cant spit it out.

When I asked him what was wrong,he just lay down beside me. I know that its hard to believe, but he is really like that. Uno is so sweet. He loves it when I massage his whole body or when I comb his very thin fur that you can almost touch the skin. I missed the way he play with us. The dancing while his eyes smiling.

Such a sweet dog.

Six in the evening. I had just got back home. The first one that I had been looking for was Uno. Uno was not inside. My son told me that Uno was outside sleeping beside the containers. I asked them what he was doing there but my child just replied that he didn't wanna get up.

I rushed there and called him. "Uno!Uno Boy!!"

When Uno heard my voice and saw me get up, but he just fell down. He couldn't stand still. He kept on trying but he can't.

I approached him quickly to help him. With me guiding him toward the house, he made it. But when we were already at the front, he stopped. His whole body was shaking but he just stood still. I was forcing him inside, but I can tell that he refused. I carried him but he kept on wiggling and slipping through my arms. I dont know what he is up to. He went back to the front door and slammed his body to the floor. I cant do a thing,so I just put his blanket there and put something for him to protect him from cold. I can really feel that my bodyguard is resigning.

"What is wrong, boy?"I asked him.
But he just gave me a sad look.
"You can't do this to me.." I said to Uno while my eyes welling up.

I can feel his heart beating faster and faster. Even the shaking gets stronger and stronger. I heard him sigh. It seemed that he was in pain. He sighed and sighed. I could feel that he was giving up at any moment. I didnt leave from where I sat down. I will stay for him whatever happens. Is this really the end? But why? I did everything to save him. I want him with my back all the time. I dont want him to leave me. He is so special for us.

For me...

ELEVEN IN the evening,still outside. This time his eyes are closed. Breathing heavily. Not moving anymore, but whenever I call his name,he wiggles his tail.

"Thank you boy..for everything..We are all gonna miss you.." I needed to say those words to him because I knew that he wouldn't hear my voice again. We all said goodbye and thank you to him. "Good job, boy... Good job, Uno boy."
Uno wiggled his tail.
"I love you so much boy..Dont leave me please..we can still do it.. please...." I said, believing that he still can do it.

His tail keeps on wiggling. But he's catching his breath already. I felt that he was really ready to leave, so...

"Thank you and I am so sorry for the times that I have been cruel to you..I'm sorry...thank you boy..thank you.." I said, crying while caressing his head. "Good job, boy.. Good dog.."

Uno is cold. I touched his whole body and it was really cold as ice. But he still wiggling his tail. We all kissed him goodbye.

I can't take it anymore. I cried and cried while talking to him. "Go on boy,rest now... You did a good job, Uno.. Good job.. Run free.."

Uno is gone.


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