Uno Is Sick

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2012 New Year's Eve 

"Get inside the house, boy!" I shouted.

Uno loves to chase firecrackers. That is his favorite thing to do during the New Year. But it is very dangerous because he is biting and shaking it. Then he would go like crazy and keep on hopping. What if it explodes all of a sudden? 

That is why, during that time, he is just locked inside the house.

The atmosphere is getting noisy and noisier. Of course, I hate to see him running around like a crazy dog inside the house while we are outside enjoying the scene. But he needs to, for his safety.

THE FIREWORKS were almost done. I went inside the house to check on him because I couldn't see him running around anymore. There is something that is making him busy.

It is very busy.

When I went to see the table and the food that I had prepared, I was really shocked. The food on the table was all over it and eaten. The ham and everything else is a mess. Uno did it. He ate all of it. There was nothing left but pieces.

I saw Uno standing as if nothing had happened. I look at him and he just smiles his eyes at me.

We are celebrating the New Year with leftovers that Uno saved for us.

Thank God that the barbecue is still in the kitchen.
We just laughed and enjoyed the moment. The leftover moments during the season.


The weather was so hot that I saw Uno standing outside in his favorite place. I don't know what he was thinking, but when I got near him I saw his legs were shaking. There was surely something wrong with him.I called him and told him to get inside, but he didn't make a move. Strange. He just kept on staring blankly. 

I thought of giving him a nice cold bath with the thought of maybe he cant stand the too much heat. I carried him because he didn't move, not even a muscle.

While I was bathing him. I noticed that the shaking got stronger. Uno loves to take a bath. Whenever you call him and tell him it's bath time, he will run quickly after you and start to play with the water in the hose. He also loves rain so much.

Uno loves water so much, but this time it is different.

After that, I put him on our small sofa where he would lie down while watching TV. He just lay flat and didn't move. I can see his legs shaking together with his head. His eyeballs are getting big and small. Like opening and closing. And I can hear him sighing.

WHEN NIGHT comes, I do nothing but just watch him. That night he didn't eat or drink either. He just lay down the whole time. It is beginning to worry us.

I'm so worried.I sleep beside him, but not really asleep. I wrap him in his favorite blanket and place his pillow on top of him.  It pains me to see him like that. In my mind, I can say that it is really serious. But I hoping that it's not.

The next day, it was worse than before. He didn't move anymore but was still breathing. I called my husband and told him about Uno's serious condition.

My husband rushed home. I tried to get Uno up, but he was getting heavier and stiffer. With his whole body shaking and his mouth shut, I also felt that his body was warmer than usual. He is really hot. I am sure that he also has a fever.

When I put him up, his head turned and he also turned so that he almost fell and broke his neck. Wasting no time, we took him to a vet.

My Uno is sick, really sick.

When we went to the vet and saw Uno's condition, he immediately injected something. The vet said that he had a very high fever.

Minutes past, we decided to keep him there for medication, but the vet said it could be cured at home and that there isn't enough space. 

I can sense that Uno's condition is not normal, but the vet said it was airborne. He can't explain clearly, but he claims to be certain that it is a distemper. I know that kind of disease. I have read that it is deadly and there is no cure at all.

But I will be positive. Uno will survive. I will take care of him.

This time I'll be his bodyguard.


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