(13) Made with love

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Ranboos hands were constantly moving, constantly searching for a way to keep his mind occupied during mundane tasks. Wether due to undiagnosed mental illness or- no, that was about it- he normally kept his hands busy on keyboards or messing with small objects.

Now, sitting cross legged on the couch of his boyfriends parents living room, with the aforementioned boyfriend sprawled across him, his hands felt more anxious than ever.

With his phone dead, Ranboos eyes scanned his surroundings for something to keep his mind from wandering. A basket filled with several balls of yarn caught his gaze.

"Does your mom knit?" Ranboo quietly asked.

"Mhm," The half asleep boy spoke, "Well, she crochets. Sometimes. She used to."

"Do you think she'd mind if I messed with it?"

Tubbo made a movement that Ranboo interpreted as a shrug, "I can't remember the last time she messed with it."

Trying not to move around too much for his boyfriends comfort, he grabbed the basket and searched through the yarn, looking for a ball that would catch his eye.

His fingers brushed a particularly soft yarn, and he pulled it out to see the color; a navy blue with subtle threads of silver.

No idea what to do with the yarn, he grabbed a thin paperback book that was snuggled inside the basket, titled "Beginners Guide to Crochet."

He opened to the first page.

Different sized hooks- the paper wrapped around the ball of yarn said he needed a size five. He found one loose in the bottom of the basket.

Flipping through the pages, he found a step by step on starting out, how to make a chain stitch.

At the beginning of the unraveling yarn, he made a slipknot to slide his hook into, and cautiously began to wrap the yarn around the hook, following the steps and pulling it though the original slipknot.

At first he made the chain too tightly knit, making it impossible to pull the hook back through. As easy as it was to undo this mistake, this also meant it was just as easy to accidentally undo things that weren't mistakes.

His second attempt was much better, as he was sure to not pull too tightly on the yarn when wrapping it around the hook, creating a much looser but easier to work with loop.

As he continued the single chain, his hands fell into a rhythm so simple and mindless that he was able to look away from his work and down at his now asleep boyfriend with his head in ranboos lap.

In the blink of an eye the single chain stitch now was the length of the entire couch. He wasn't quite sure what he was making, but knew there was no way he was going to make anything that needed to be six feet long.

Starting the second row was much more difficult, and the steps in the book were not as clear.

He made his first attempt, pulling his hook back through the already made chain, wrapping the yarn around his hook, pulling it through.

Two loops still wrapped around his hook, so he repeated the process of taking the lose end of string and wrapping it around the hook, pulling both loops through, leaving him ready to start at square one.

It looked like the picture. Ranboo beamed to himself, proud of his ability to recreate the picture from the book.

The first part of the second row was rocky, missing the loops and forgetting steps, but he found his rhythm again halfway through, and finished the second row.

single stitch
pull through previous row
wrap loose end around hook
pull through.

Tubbo shifted peacefully beneath him, and with his hands now busy, ranboo allowed his thoughts to wander.

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