(1) Arrival pt.1

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Ranboo had thought his trip to the UK would be awkward. Awkward in the sense that neither of them would know how to act around the other now that they had finally met up. He feared it'd be a mix of anxiety about making the wrong move, and not wanting to make any said move out of fear of completely messing things up.

Lucky he didn't have to worry about that cause right as Tubbo and he had met eyes at the airport, any anxiety he had had just simply withered away for that moment.

And now they were back at Tubbo's house, joking and laughing as if they had spent the last few years together.

Ranboo had expected to be able to catch a breath when he got to Tubbo's house. You know, simply unpack everything and get things set up for their stream later. However, Tubbo had other plans, well more like lack thereof.

You see, it was due to the lack of planning on Tubbo's end that caused Ranboo to have to help with moving all of Tubbo's streaming equipment from his room and into his new studio.

It was exhausting. Ranboo was honestly about to suggest that they hold off a day on the stream, but then he saw Tubbo's smile as he excitedly finished setting up his PC.

"Thanks for the help, boss man!" he beamed as he pulled Ranboo into a quick hug before going back to fiddling with his computer settings.

"Yeah no problem dude," he smiled. He was finally seeing Tubbo without a screen between them.

It was so unreal. He couldn't get over it.

The boy he had met (and grown very fond of) online was actually in front of him right now. He was currently staying in said boy's house for four months. It was a curse and a blessing. What's that saying? A blessing in disguise? That seems to sum it all up. Well so does 'caught between a rock and a hard place' but that's an explanation for another day.

To put it lightly, Ranboo was nervous.

Now to put it heavily, Ranboo was absolutely terrified.

Why? Well, surely not cause it was the first time he was meeting this boy in person. Nor the fact that he doesn't want to overstep any boundaries and make things awkward. Oh, and definitely not the fact that he was practically head over heels for him and feared he'd let something slip that would make Tubbo just straight-up hate him.

Nope, not at all.

He was probably just scared cause he forgot his toothbrush. Yup, that must be it. Nothing else...

Tubbo was staring at him.

"Sorry what?" Ranboo asked, his eyes focusing on Tubbo's face.

"I said I'm ready to go live when you are," Tubbo repeated, looking at Ranboo like he was trying to read his mind.

"Woo! Let's do this!" Ranboo cheered, getting a chuckle from Tubbo in response as he booted up his streaming software and game. He gave Ranboo one last quick smile before hitting the 'go live' button.

The stream was actually more fun than either of them had thought it would be. They both knew chat would go crazy and chaos would ensue.

Ranboo was glad they did the reveal on Tubbo's account, he deserves the attention.

Throughout the stream, Ranboo tried his best not to be the first to make moves in fear of saying or doing something wrong.

After all, he didn't have lag or poor connection to blame it on now.

But things ended up going pretty smoothly. He managed to make it through the stream without messing up. Though he supposes that even if he did he could just play it off with a joke.

After about an hour, Tubbo had to end stream in order to get ready for MCC (which Ranboo is now unbanned from. Amazing day for the Ranboo community.)

He watched Tubbo play over his shoulder, rooting and cheering when necessary.

These four months would be the best.

Word count: 776

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