Chapter 12| I'm The Protagonist After All

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I could still feel it vividly. The way his lips touched mine.

I instantly burrowed my face into the pillow out of shame.


I could feel my cheeks getting warmer.

What time is it? the moon is already high so I guess it's midnight.

Suddenly, I saw the veranda open by itself in front of me.

And a strong, cold breeze entered my room.

The curtains were swaying and behind it, I saw a shadow of a girl. 

I stood up from my bed and slowly approached the curtain.

Am I imagining things? Or did the genre turn into horror?

When I moved the curtain, I saw a girl with black hair, grazing over her shoulders and a brown lifeless pair of eyes.

She was wearing a black hoodie and red shorts with black leggings.

Modern clothes? Who is she?

 What is a modern person doing in this era?

"Be careful. Cosette knows. " She uttered in a cold voice.

"Know what?" Before she could even hear my question,  she turned away from me.

"Wait!" I yelled. But it's already too late.

She jumped from the veranda and when I looked below, She was nowhere to be found. 

I couldn't process what she said earlier.

What does Cosette know?

Where exactly did she come from?

I don't know her but it felt like she was someone I could trust. 



When I woke up, I suddenly found myself in a familiar place.

A place I didn't want to see ever again.

Tears immediately dripped down from my eyes as the crowd cheered.

Why am I... Back in here...?

Their screams echoed through my ears. It was so painful.

I felt it again. I remembered it again.

That sensation of my body burning... That nauseating smell of the smoke.

I hate it...!

Why am I here?!

"Ahh!" I suddenly jumped out of my bed, sweating and panting heavily.

"A nightmare?"

But of all things... Why do you have to remind me of that?

Just when I was enjoying this life...

Do you have to bring back the pain?

I stood up from my bed and opened my door. But only ruins could be seen.

I turned my head around and saw my room also destroyed.

What's happening...?

I just woke up!

It was perfectly fine earlier!

Did a disaster happen?! 

No, that's impossible...!

I heard footsteps behind me so I turned around.

The black-haired girl was back.


She looked at me again expressionlessly with those cold eyes.

Did she do this???

She placed her palm on her forehead, irritated then sighed.

"Why do you always get into trouble?" she muttered in an irritated tone.

Dream? am I in a dream?

"This is the last time I would help you. As interesting as you are, I can't help you too much." She mumbled. 

"Just as I helped you with Lucas, I would help you with this."

How did Lucas get involved here?  What does she mean?!

Before I could even ask her, she flicked her hands and in a blink of an eye, I was back in my original room. 

When I turned around, Cosette was standing behind me.

I instantly walked away from her.

"Oh, did I surprise you?" She asked with a smirk. 

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

Seriously, how are they even able to get inside my room? 

"You ask too much. This is my last warning."

She walked towards me and pushed me into the wall.

"Don't get yourself involved in my plans. It would have worked out well if you didn't butt in."

"But it would be fine in the end."

She then turned away from me but she mumbled something.

"I'm the protagonist after all." Finally, she left.

So this is what that girl means by Cosette knows.

How is she aware that she's the protagonist?

I still have so many questions.

I wish I could meet that girl again.

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