Chapter 10|Cosette's Attempt

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"Hey Ava, are you okay?" Blaine asked with a worried expression.

I smiled to reassure him. "Why wouldn't I be?" I replied with a smile.

"Aren't you angry about that girl? She even lied about father!" He asked.

"Of course I am. But we can't reject her yet. We have to prove something to the public."

"She purposely planned to do this when father is in public to make it harder for him to decline."

How cunning.

He smiled brightly and replied- "As expected of my adorable sister! So smart! " 



The party continued and I suddenly noticed a familiar person pass before me.

That brunette hair... But now she is dressed. Why did they even let her attend the party?

I followed her as she walked towards the veranda. The crown prince was there.

She still went inside even though she knew that.

I waited outside the door to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Ah, I apologize your Majesty. I didn't realize the veranda was already occupied..."

Didn't realize my ass.

"It's okay. Having someone to talk to is not a bad idea." The Crown Prince said.

"That being said, your Majesty, are you already engaged to someone?"

So now she's acting up.

"I'm not as of now. But the Emperor would make a candidate list soon."

"Is your Majesty content with letting the Emperor decide who he marries...? "

"Of course. That's my duty after all. To marry a woman who is fit to become the Empress."

"But you never know, your Majesty.  Someday you might find a woman you love."

Ah, I can't take it anymore. She won't stop unless she makes the Crown Prince marry her off.

Be it by seducing or manipulating him.

I have decided. I would remove Cosette.

And to do that, I would need the Crown Prince to agree to her.

But not on my birthday. And as I can remember... The Crown Prince is good at acting right?

That's perfect then.

I gently opened the door and went inside.

"Ah, I apologize your Majesty. I didn't know you had company..."

By repeating her way...

"What are you...!" Cosette asked in confusion.

"Ah, the Emperor called me and told me that I have to pass a message to the Crown Prince."

Assert authority...

"Would you mind stepping out first?"

And finally, make her leave.

"...! "

Her eyes widened and she looked like she was about to hit me anytime.

But of course, she held back and left without saying anything.

Her reaction is quite nice...

When she was finally gone, I glanced at the Crown Prince and bowed.

"What is the Emperor trying to tell me, Ava? " He asked.

Huh? He remembers my name... From that time?!

"I'm glad you remember my name, your Majesty."

He then turned to me and kissed my hand.

"Of course. It's you after all."

What does he mean?

"So about the Emperor your Majesty... I lied. I apologize."

He just stared at me for a second then finally smiled.

"I kind of had a hunch that was the case. Father would never tell someone a message for me. Even with the people he trusts." He stated.

"Then why didn't you say anything? "

"Because I wanted to talk to you. I've always wanted to... Ever since I met you on my birthday, you've never left my mind even for a single day."

Does he... Like me? But why? Ava was never a variable in the story...!

Florence never liked anyone except-

Wait, is that it? Ava was never a variable.

But now that she is here, every action she makes can change the storyline.

From meeting the Crown Prince to getting engaged to Zeke.

But what do I tell him? I don't want to do what Cosette did to Zeke...

"Don't worry, I don't expect you to return my feelings anytime soon."

Ah, it feels like he reads my mind sometimes...

Florence, I'm glad that I can save you from getting manipulated but...

I had already decided... I would make Zeke happy this time.

But I hope you find someone you would cherish just like what I once did to Lucas...

"Thank you, Florence. Actually... I already like someone."

"Is that so?" He turned away from me and made a sad expression.

I placed my hand on his back and started stroking it.

"Even if I can't be someone to return your feelings... I can be a person you can confide in with all your problems..."

To think that I'm even doing this to someone... I really am getting attached to this world.

"Then that is enough..."

If Zeke becomes happy, then my goal is finished. I can finally... Die.

But if I have one wish. One wish that I desperately want to fulfill.

Then I would like to meet Lucas again.

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