Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


"Don't be angry, sweetheart. This is for your own good."

"Angry?! Oh, you have no goddamn idea!"

I was fuming. I was livid. I was every word that equated to 'angry' at the moment. And the only reply I get was a chuckle?!

I didn't argue further when I was given a bodyguard because I know I won't win against my dad. When said bodyguard was controlling everything I do on his first day, I didn't put up a fight.. not much yet. But this? Him, being with me twenty-four by seven, basically living under the same roof and breathing the same air was a step too far. Hindi ako papayag!

I paced on my living room back and forth, with my left hand still on my waist and my right clutching the phone to my ear "Dad, honestly! I'm not a child! I don't need protecting, or whatever the fuck this is, in my own home! This is absurd and suffocating! I allowed him to tail me around everywhere but not here!

"Do you even have any idea what he did today?" I paused in front of Jordan and squinted my eyes at him "He prohibited me from having spontaneous meetings, he had every nook and cranny of my office checked, he ID'd all my staff, and he even took tabs of my meals! Now, he gets to live with me too?! Seriously?!"

"He's your bodyguard, is he not? Let the man do his job. I'm not paying him to just follow you, Irene. He is your bodyguard to protect you at all costs, whether inside your office or your home, whatever it takes." I was about to answer but he continued "And for the record, you don't do spontaneous."

Oh my God! Fair point but not the point! "Are you hearing yourself right now? Who needs protection in their own home?! Besides, you didn't even tell me that he'll be staying in my penthouse! I don't want this! I want him out this instant!"

"This is why, darling. I know how you'll react to this. But I'm sorry, this is not up for discussion." I heard him sigh "There's no vacancy in Roth right now, and it's best to have Jordan with you in case something happens. I promise you, once a unit gets available, I'll have him transfer there. He can stay in Ice's room for the meantime."

"What happens to this not meddling with my work or life? Clearly, this is overstepping! It's an invasion of my privacy in my own home!"

"Would you rather come live with us then? So Jordan doesn't have to stay with you?"

Napa-tigil ako sa narinig. They wanted me to move back to our house in New Manila in exchange of my privacy? Who were they kidding? Lalo akong mawawalan ng privacy kapag bumalik ako sa bahay namin! They will be questioning every move I do, ni hindi ata ako makakatapak sa labas ng kwarto ko nang hindi nila nalalaman kung saan ako pupunta!

That's why I moved out as soon as I got the opportunity to. I couldn't breathe there. Isa pa, mas malapit ang Roth sa opisina ko kaysa sa Charleston. Malapit din ito sa Rim at Havoc. It's the center of urban life.

You got me bigtime, Ian Mondragon! Goddamnit!

"Very well. It's settled then," muli niyang sabi noong hindi ako sumagot "You stay in Roth, Jordan also stays in Roth."

Tumalikod ako at saglit na pumikit "You can't do this to me, Dad."

"Yes, I can. I'm your father, Irene Gertrude. In case you've forgotten," rinig ko ang sarkasmo sa kanyang boses.

"Oh come on," I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen "Is this how little you think of me? Really, I don't understand why you put so much trust in somebody else than your own daughter. You know I can be just fine by myself!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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