The Finale

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"Look out!"

A sudden thud drew the small groups attention, Dume was lying face down on the ground the parachute falling over him as he lay still.

"Great, a dead child." said Sheer "Dume? Are you okay?" asked Amy as she walked over "Probably not." said Goma. A soft whimper was all Dume could reply with, Amy looked at Dume a little worried "See told you." said Goma as he lightly kicked Dume in the side "Alright, come on get up ya lazy ass."

As Goma kept annoying Dume, the Alpha Trio fell from the sky and into the nearby tree. Ursula snapped at Zander and Ed angrily claiming it was their fault they crashed, "I told you not to grab onto me you dimwits!" snapped Ursula as she kicked at Zander "Well, look on the bright side. We aren't dead." he said dodging Ursulas attacks. With Ursula's squirming the trio fell from the tree having torn their parachutes and having no way to hold onto the tree. The three fell on the ground with a thud each groaning in pain as they sat up.

"Okay, so humans falling from the sky are apparently a normal thing." observed Goma as he looked at the Alpha trio and Dume "Skunk hair, I'm in pain so please don't." said Dume annoyed although his voice being a bit muffled from having it pressed to the ground. "I'll kick you harder this time you's his name..ah never mind." shrugged Goma before kicking Dume a little harder in the side.

"Goma stop, let him get up." sighed Gavro "Then you can beat the hell out of him." Goma pouted a little as he backed away waiting for Dume to stand up. During that time, the others who were thrown from the Alpha Craft slowly began to show up. After a few minutes of rest for the ones who just arrived everyone went into the caves, "Alright quick rule, if anyone gets hurt you're own your own." said Seth coldly as he clicked his flashlight on "Right, so don't expect us to save your ass." hissed Ursula.

The group then split into smaller groups and went down separate tunnels, as the smaller groups went through the tunnels they chose they split into even smaller groups as they progressed meeting more tunnels leading away from the entrance, to say the least it was a labyrinth of stone and darkness. Not long after everyone separating; screams filled the cold damp air of the caves, the screams echoed throughout the tunnels sending a small wave of fear and worry to wash over them.

Zoe, Amy and Rex shivered as they heard the blood curdling screams it sounded as if a pack of Banshees were in there with them, the duo quickened their pace hoping whoever was screaming was far away while also wanting to get away from any possible danger that loomed. "Rex do you think-" asked Zoe softly before a scream was heard "I don't know, maybe." said Rex sweating a little before trying to rationalize what else it could be "Although I'm sure it just someone playing a joke on the others, we did leave Dume, Goma, Foolscap, Seth and Sheer alone for a long time  they may be taking advantage of the dark and scaring someone." "Let's hope so, although all this screaming may get the Aeons attention." said Zoe dreading the thought of being chased in this labyrinth by a hungry Aeon "I'm sure the Aeons will leave us alone, besides I doubt they'd find us in the caves right?' said Amy gently holding onto Zoe's arm "We can't really find each other so makes sense." said Zoe "The only problem is Aeons do have a great sense of smell and can see in the dark." said a voice from behind them.

The three teens nearly jumped out of their skin as they turned to face who spoke, they were met by a pare of glowing red and blue eyes any features of the two were masked by the darkness. Amy yelped and hid behind Zoe as she quickly reached for her dino bracer, "Dino slas-"

"Woah hold it Zoe!" panicked a familiar voice "Huh, Ream?" asked Zoe as she paused her slash "Yeah it's just Sheer and I." said Ream "Oh okay, so your not some scary cave ghost." said Rex as he stepped out from behind a rock "Of course not, I still got an eternity to terrorize everyone." said Sheer "Wonderful...anyways why don't you two have a light or anything? Are you not lost or blind?" asked Zoe "Don't need one, our eyes can see just fine in the dark." said Ream "Our eyes have a sort of night vision mode, hence why our eyes are a bit reflective like a brontons." 

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