Live, Laugh, Love!

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Whatchu talkin' bout fool?! Admit it, you read that in a gangster voice.

I wouldn't say you're stupid.. I mean you are, but I wouldn't say it.

Obviously, the person who came up with the phrase "The freaks come out at night" has probably never been to Walmart during the day.

Bitch please, I can remove 90% of your so called "beauty" with a Kleenex!

Waiting like a dumbass to scare someone but end up leaving cause its taking forever.

We all have that one friend whose dad scares the shit out of you.

That look you give a friend when someone attractive walks in.

That creepy moment when u feel that somebody is staring at you but there's no one there.

B.R.B. = [B]ath [R]oom [B] reak

Hearing part of a song and thinking..."That's definitely going to be my next status"

Whenever I come out of my room, my parents are like, "Oh look who's out of the cave."

Beating the refresh button to death when the internet is slow.

When you accidentally hit the backspace button & it takes you back to the previous page while you were typing something long.

Seeing boys play with little kids is probably one of the most attractive things ever.

I miss you. The old you, not this new you you've become

Sometimes you wish you could delete feelings the way you delete text messages.

I can't stop smiling every time I'm with you.

Some of the best things happen when you least expect it. So just let them flow.

Laugh with your eyes, hug with your soul, and smile with your heart.

Don't miss out on what's happening right now, because you're waiting for something better to come along.

If you have a problem with me, call me. If you don't have my number it means you don't know me well enough to to have a problem.

Before you shower, write down all your problems on your arm. That way, all your problems go down the drain.

That moment when you listen to a song that completely reminds you of someone you're not supposed to be missing.

When I see you, my heart beats a little faster. My stomach feels a little lighter. My smile shines a little brighter.

Waiting for just the right person to come along.

Life's too short to worry about what people may think or talk about you, do what you want to do and be happy

Friendship isn't about who came first & who you've known the longest. It's about who came and never left you.

Just can't stop thinking about you. Don't know why but my hearts wants you to its self....

I miss the time when I actually meant something to you.

fans>>>>>vote, comment ! And i still want those dares posted on my wall text me !!! ***** Live, Laugh , Love!

betal13 note >>>>>>>*** Vote and Comment! I hope Betal13 has an amazing vacation!!!!!!!!! :)

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