Chapter 15

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There are 3 diffrent POVS in this just saying INCLUDING DAMONSSS.

"Close your eyes. We will show you." I listened as they both put one hand on my face and I fell asleep.
         *                       *                         *
Madeline was surrounded by hell fire. But it wasnt hot. It was cold. Near the fire was hot yes, but the air was freezing. Over the span of what seemed to be days 3 days, she silently watched 3 small things threw themselves from the fire. One a tiny flame, one a black sludgy hole, the last one looked like a star in the sky. The star was called the Light, it was the last to jump out and it seemed to be freaking out. The black sludge crawled over the fire making it a solid goopy ball for the Light to jump on.

Madeline watched as they threw the star through the gates. They could tell it was much diffrent than other born from the fire and darkness. Not in a bad way, but they seen that it was better. To everyone's surprise once the Light got to earth it turned into what appeared to be a human baby, and landed right on the perfect doorstep. Sludge and Fire watched over the growing Light as they grew stronger, before finally getting their names and becoming fully formed. They learned when all of the subjects from darkness got their names, the Lights true name was Demari. The sludge one day found her human family called her Madeline, which was the only name she knew.

After watching her for 18 years and finally transitioning into their full form they decided they wanted to meet her. What was once the black sludge was now a tall handsome man. Long dark hair and messy hands. The fire was a woman with hair so red it would remind you if the sun and fire she once came from. 'That's Damon and Stacie!' Madeline thought, but couldnt speak.

"Hello? Who is there?" Madeline said looking behind her at a bush. She was picking grapes from her personal garden.

'Is that me..' She mentally gasped. The times were old. So old the house Madeline and her mother lived in was made if mud clay, sticks, and wood.

"Honey, Iv'e made some soup if youd like some!" Madeline's mother yelled from the back door of the house.

"Okay, will you excuse me for a moment mother?" Madleline pleaded.

"Of course dear, just dont be too long or your food will be cold!" The mother said before going back inside their small cabin home. Madeline's family was cast out by the church for thinking their ways were unchristian.

"Anyways, I asked who is there?" Madeline said turning around and looking at the bush.

The man and woman walked out and introduced themselves. "I am Damon." The man said

"And I am Stacie."

"Are you the presences that have watched over me? Are you angles?" Madeleine questioned watching them in confusion.

Madeleine scoffed at what her past self said.

"Yes, we have watched you since the day we were born. But we are no angels." Damon said kindly.

"We are demons. We come from the same fore as you, but you were something diffrent." Stacie continued.

"I was found by my mother as a baby. She doesn't know where I came from before that. However I wont believe I was born from fire." Madeline said getting furious. She was raised Christian and she refused to understand them.

"You are. But you're not a demon. You're a goddess." Damon said.

     *                           *                           *
My eyes popped open and I gasped. "I'm a what now? Why do I feel so different now? What's wrong with me oh my gosh?" I started to freak out and jumped up.

Damon quickly grabbed me and held me. "Hold on you need to calm down. You're going to get a lot of memories back and you might lose consciousness." And he was right. One by one I remembered everything. I created the universe, the sun, the earth. I'm much older than any human race or even Damon and Stacie. I am Demari, goddess of the Red Giant and space.

    *                            *                        *
She fainted. As I expected, although I know she doesn't remember everything yet, nor had she seen the rest of her story. Hopefully she doesn't hate me for what I've done, but before she died she loved me. Stacie looked at me with angry eyes.

"I told you I was eating tonight!" She hissed at me with a snake tongue.

"Don't talk shit or I'll fire you. The man you killed was a valued customer for the club's and restuarant you know."

"It won't matter anyways. Mads isnt gonna be able to remeber everything and get back the power she needs to move the earth before the Red Giant comes. So all your little customers will die now."

I pinched the skin on my nose between my eyes. "The process dosen't start until after she remembers everything I thought."

"No Damon. It happens as soon as she starts to remeber. The Red Giant is growing as we speak. We havent even had sex yet when will we have the time now? We've only touched her in her dreams. It's been too long since we have touched her I need this Damon and you fucked it up!" Stacie yelled at me with black eyes as her head started to grow two bulges.

"HOW IS THIS MY FAULT?! IF YOU DIDNT FUCKING EAT IN PUBLIC THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED BITCH!" I yelled back, putting a sound barrier up for Madeline so she couldnt hear what was about to go on.

"What did you just call me?" Stacie asked as she cocked her head. Her skin was slowly turning snow white her hair now the original red it was when she was younger.

"If you dont calm down I'll take your ass down. You know you can't beat me in a fight."

"I can't beat YOU? Yeah, right. Fire always beats darkness bitch." Her dark red horns were now fully out and she charged at me pushing me through a fiery portal she had created. I knew I had to change into my full form to beat Stacie because she wasnt weak. Dont ever underestimate a succubus.

She raised her hands making her fire catch on my leg. The only way I could stop it from spreading on me and making me very weak, was putting up the sight and shield barrier I had up when we carried Madeline to my house. I called it the purap.

"Hey that's not fair!" Stacie screamed before she slowly disappeared in my walls of darkness.

"What was that you were saying about fire always beating darkness?" I yelled at the wall she was trapped in. When she responded it sounded like someone was speaking underwater. "That's what I thought."


I know you're like what's this shit where is the actual sex it's coming babies I promise I just wanna have an actual story to this yk. But anyways I hope you enjoy please vote AND ESPECIALLY COMMENT THANK YOU VM

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