Chapter 16

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AN. Nashsty stuff happens I am trying man lmao lmk if I did any good it's been a while for me.
It had been two days since I've left Damon's. I've taken the days off, and I better not be fired. They should know why I'm not coming in. Since that day I've just played in bed. What I assumed was Damon or Stacie knocked on my door many times. So many I wanted to yell at them and tell them to shut up.

'We need to talk Madeline.' A deep voice echoed in my head.

"Hello? Where are you? You better not be invisible or some shit." I said junpining up looking around.

'Haha, no. We are tied together so once you remeber that I was your soulmate we possessed the ability to telepathically communicate.'

'Oh.' I thought. I wanted to say it but I also didnt wanna feel stupid.

'Come to my apartment now. I need to speak with you badly.'

I thought to myself about what I would do, trying very hard to make sure he couldn't hear me. Part of me was afraid and told me to stay home. Why though? I am a fucking godess! There is no one I submit to nor bow to. He should worship you.

Quickly I threw on a black tank top and batman leggings. I didnt even bothering to put on shoes after I brushed my hair, making it super frizzy. After I decided I looked just sexy enough but also cozy I walked out of my door and to his. Before the chance of me knocking even came up he opened the door.

"Come in please. " Damon said stepping back opening the door all the way. I stepped in his house and quickly sat on the couch. "Why havent you tried to constant me or answered when we knocked on the door?"

"I don't know. I've been collecting my thoughts." I replied with a sharp tone.

He walked towards me and sat next to me. Very close next to me. "Do not catch a tone with me princesses. I'm very... on edge." He said his golden eyes now black.

"Or what?"

"You don't even want to know. Don't forget you're in human form. You can bleed like a human, and feel pain like a human. I'm a demon even in my human form I am no human." He replied watching me with a hard glare.

I moved on top his lap cradling him. "Don't test ME. Since I've found out about myself I've gained what you could call a god complex." I closed my eyes and swallowed hard. I was going to show him I'm bigger. What if I wasn't good at this? I pushed the thoughts out of my head. This was the time for me to show him I'm just as strong as he is. Even stronger.

"What do you think you're doing?" Damon asked, his lips barely touching my ear.

"I'm showing you who the real boss is," I said strongly trying to seem confident.

His hand snaked around my neck, gripping it firmly. "But I am the boss. So get on your knees. I'm going to show you who the REAL boss is."

"B-ut-" I was cut off by Damon shoving his tongue in my mouth. His kiss was full of lust and passion. I finally pulled back to catch my breath. But, I'm bigger and stronger. I am to be worshiped.

His thumb traced my jaw and he tilted my head back a little bit. He leaned in and whispered. "And I do just that. But I make you beg for more. Over and over again." Fucker read my thoughts. He slowly picked me up and placed me on the ground. Just when I was about to get up he looked at me with a stern face. "Stay on your knees princess."

"O-okay. What is happening?" I questioned staring up at him. He appeared ten times taller than ever before.

"Im going to remind you how much you worshiped me." He said before slowly taking his belt off. He was now pulling down his black dress pants. His bulge on held back by his thin tight underwear. "Its okay. You can take it out."

My hands ride curious to fully see how big he was. As I slowly pulled his underwear down his dick popped out, scarcely close to my face.

"Oh my goodness." I said in awe.

"I knew youd say that. You've seen this before so dont worry. Everything I want to do has already happened and you will remeber it again. Just after we finish."

"Do you want me to uh- like su- um. I dont know I'm nervous."

"Just open your mouth. Then you'll know what to do." He stated holding his long length at its base. I did as told and closed my eyes afraid to look at anything I was doing. He entered my mouth and slowly thrusted letting small moans out. I relaxed my mouth, but still held it open and slowly twirled my tongue around as he was pulling in an out. "You're so good baby. Open your eyes and look up at me now." He ordered his hand slight tangled in my hair but not yet pulling it. I protested by keeping my eyes closed before he slightly tugged down pulling my head up just enough. Giving in I opened my eyes and the man I was looking at had not only black eyes but they were now filled with smoke. I would have been scared if I wasnt so aroused.

I pulled back back to catch my breath. "My jaw hurts.." I said looking up at him. My nose and eyes were watery and my face felt.. dirty?

"Come here. We are going to go to my private room." He said gesturing for me to stand up. I stood up and follw9ed him as he walked to the room in the back of his oversized apartment. The same room I accidentally wandered into.


The next one I think will be spicy than this one but I hope you finally enjoyed some GOOD OL ORAL SEX BRUH

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