From the seventh son to princess?

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*The Burrow*

"NO LET HIM GO!!!! LET MY BABY GO!!!! RON!!!!" cried the voice of one Molly Weasley as Death Eaters rushed away from their assult on the Burrow, taking one year old baby boy with them. The attack came out of nowhere, but the family fought to protect the children only for the littlest boy to be kidnapped right infront of their eyes.

"Molly, I promised you we will get him back!" promised one Arthur Weasley who was badly injured during the fight, a cutting cursed got him as he jumped in the way to protect his children. The mother's two twin brothers were also injured but they would live, the other relatives were trying to calm the destrest children down but it was no use. The Weasley children, even newborn Ginny, knew their Ron wasn't with them and they wanted him back now!

Meanwhile the Death Eater carrying the little red head baby had somehow gotten lost during the escape and landed in an area unknown to him, it looked like a garden of some rich Pure-Blood family. The wails of the crying baby soon got to him "WILL YOU SHUT UP YOU FILTHY BLOOD TRAITOR!!!" yelled the man throwing the baby into a rose bush.

He expected the child to be dead with the fall but it was still alive and unharmed, crying his eyes out for some confort of his parents. "THAT'S I-" the man raised his wand ready to cursed the baby only he fell onto the ground in pain as he slowly died. "How dare this filth come into my garden and act like a mad man. He deserves death for upsetting me." a cold dark voiced said as a figure wearing robes appered nect to the man, putting his foot on the dead man's head crushing it.

"Baaaaaa" the man eyes snapped over to the rose bush seeing a baby with red hair stairing at him clapping it's hands, unaffired of the dangerour that this man was. "Felix when did you have a child?" question the blond hair and jeweled eye man, pointing at the baby right inside the rose bush.

"Your majesty it's not mine .... but who's child is it any ways?" qustion the crimson knight looking down at the little child infront of him, no concubines were left in the palace grounds since Lady Diana died in childbirth giving birth to a stillborn princess. The jewled eye man slowly walked towards the child and reached down to pick it up, feeling something inside him that made the Emperor want to protect this child.

As he rused from the ground something started to happen, Claude's mama started leaking from his body as the same was happening to the baby. Soon their was a flash of light surroned the pair, an like it happen the light soon disapped. Claude eyes soon over came the flash looking down stairing into another pair of jeweled blue eyes.

"maaaaabaaaaaa!" the baby cheerfully said as it snuggled into the Emperor's chest, falling asleep knowing it's parent was their now. The two adults staired at the baby seeing the hair now was blond with strips of red in the hair. Claude staired at the baby felling something he hadn't felt since Diana and their child's deaths, love.

Strucking the baby's hair he said softly "Felix let the Empire know of the arrive of Princess Rosalita de Alger Obelia, my heir and daughter." Felix looked at his long time friend and royaler in shook as the Emperor slowly walked away humming, never taking his eyes off once from his darling baby's sleeping face.

" Felix looked at his long time friend and royaler in shook as the Emperor slowly walked away humming, never taking his eyes off once from his darling baby's sleeping face

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*This what baby Ron Weasly or Rosalita de Alger Obelia looks like now*

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