So Much Revealing

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[~Posted 10/28/21]

A/N there was a comment from @randomhomie05  last chapter saying things gonna get spicy. And that was RIGHT. This chapter things gonna spicy. Not like "mature" label spicy but just a lil spicier.  And super long.

Since smut is everywhere in the world, like water and air, I'll just post it on Issuu and here too on Wattpad for now....  have at it, you book theives. Actually, I'm kidding. All of us still 100% wish you'd stop stealing other ppl's sh*t. Please. This is a story written on wattpad for the lovely people of wattpad. Please support us there.

To the rest of you all dear readers, as always, hello and <3<3<3. As always, please consider smashing that little star button! It makes me so happy. It's autumn here where we are now. Crunchy leaves on the ground, pumpkins, pumpkin lattes in cafes. Real time is catching up with Kai and Lukas time]


"So... you and Lukas randomly got paired up, huh?" Lukas's roommate Vien asks Kai. He's is shorter than the others. With only his well-built torso visible behind the restaurant table, Kai suddenly pictures him as a sort of mafia enforcer. The dude who swings his fist on command. And suddenly it's clear to Kai, a gut feeling of clarity: Lukas is the guy who gives the commands!

The rest of Lukas's friends watch Vien. Everyone watches, silent, listening to the sound of sizzling meat at the center of the table.

Where's Vien going with this line of questioning?

They're all wondering about this.

Confusion and dread fill Kai. Don't get defensive, she tells herself.

She's getting defensive because plenty of folks on the internet are saying Kai somehow secretly got Professor Walton to pair her up with campus god Lukas Shao.

The worst, worst rumor was posted by some clown named @anony_bronie. Who claimed Kai was so desperate to be paired with Lukas that she... slept with Professor Walton! An evil snake-like seductress, Kai apparently then convinced the portly, bear-like Walton to pair her up with the campus prince, the day of the experiment.

These were definitively lies, of course.

But @anony_bronie had one piece of evidence that made his or her horrible theory just a little more believable.

@Anony_bronie wrote: "You guys: I almost took this class last year too, but dropped it. Last year, Walton had paired people differently: left end of row 1 got paired with right end of row 1."

>>> This year, first row was paired with last row. Back of the room people got paired with front of the room people.

>>>> Clearly, Walton changed the rules so THAT BI**CH could steal Lukas Shao out from under our noses.

Kai couldn't believe people were this thirsty. They really dug that far into the history of Walton's "pairing system" of Intro Psych?

And Lukas's roommate Vien? There he is, now. Joining the dark side of gossip, right there in front of them.

Kai realizes she's staring at him with overt wariness. Shaking her head and sidelining her own defeated feelings, she eats a tofu pocket from the chili oil sauce in her bowl.

Girl, you might as well eat, she tells herself. You can leave embarrassed and hungry. Or just embarrassed.

From her side, Lukas watches the girl chew, her rosebud lips pressed together with determination. And her eyes: alert and starry. Through the gauzy haze of smoke in the restaurant, her face seems cast in smooth shadow and surrounded by starbursts of light, almost like she's gone through a selfie app filter. But this is her. In real life.

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