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[~Posted Mar 16, '21]

"It's a bit cold out," Lukas says, holding the strap of his backpack over his dress shirt. "I know a place indoors."

Kai had forgotten how deep his voice is.

He makes his way to the aisle. Kai gathers her books, then follows him toward the front door. His stride is wide—she has to scurry to keep pace with him.

Outside, she puts on her wool coat, struggling a bit, with her coffee cup in one hand.

"Here—" He grabs the cup, freeing up her hands.

"Oh.. It's empty anyway," she says. With her coat now on, she takes the disposable cup back. To throw it away. Her fingers graze his when she reaches out.

Lukas looks at her oddly.

"Are you warm enough?" he asks, while putting on his own bomber jacket but doesn't zip it up far. The ends of his collarbones are still visible, right where the top buttons of his dress shirt are open.

"Aren't you cold?" she asked. Surprised.

He just shakes his head. "Went for a jog before class. My body temperature's still heightened."

The two are quiet for a moment.

Lukas thinks to himself, Don't mention that your jog was 7 miles.

Ed and Vien say it sounds like bragging... Even though for me, it's actually disappointing. On a good day, I run 10 miles... and then stop by the gym.

Kai's mind is filled with thoughts about the body temperature of the tall, fit student standing next to her. The warmth of his body: how that would feel...

What is going ON with you, she scolds herself. She almost never had these thoughts.

This guy's influence on people around him... it's really surreal...

They walk a bit further in silence, until finally they reach another huge, ornate stone building. She's never seen it before.

"What is this?"

"Law school," he says. Opens the door for her.

Puzzled, Kai enters. Lukas follows her in. Their eyes adjust to the darkness.

"Are we allowed in here?" she asks. "We're undergrads."

"No rules against undergrads going in," he said. "Besides, I'm taking a grad-level class here."

"What class?"

"Intellectual Property in Life Sciences"

---!!! Kai has a million questions. All campus gossip seems to focus on his looks. His visuals. But Kai suspects he's actually got loads of interesting ways of thinking about the world.

Lukas, why are you taking that class? she wants to ask. What are you getting out of it?

How does it fit into your master plans?


He's busy leading them to two huge leather armchairs.

They're in a cozy, dim lounge area under a surprisingly high ceiling. Around them, older students are chatting quietly. Or bent over their laptops. In the corner, there's an carved oak table with a coffee pot. A fireplace just beyond.

This school feels like a country club, Kai marvels.

Lukas seats himself and so Kai follows his lead. The armchair almost swallows her up. In contrast, he's tall and lanky. It's perfect for him. They're seated face to face.

The Prince and the Plant WhispererWhere stories live. Discover now