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"Somehow, Ethan had found the strength to cross the desert's sweltering dunes. Ahead was a sprawling complex of ruins rising out of the sand. Thankful for the shade, Ethan, Tippi, and Thoreau ventured deeper inside. They were the very ruins Old Man Watchitt had warned them about. What dangers lurked in the shady corridors ahead?"


"Ethan, Thoreau? I can feel it calling... The Pure Heart is nearby... But, wait... I sense something else emanating from the sand dunes. Be careful now, guys... Something else is waiting for us ahead..." Tippi warns.

"Something..... else? What's waiting for us?" Thoreau asks.

"I don't know. Not even my magic can reveal the truth of these ancients, and their plans. Their magic is just.... too hard to decipher for me, as my magic doesn't explain any of this." Ethan says.

"Eh.... throw this nonsense in the trash. We need to find the Pure Heart and get the hell out of here." Thoreau says.

"Good point." Ethan agrees.

"All right. Let's, move on, then." Tippi says.

The three journey through the ruins, with Ethan and Thoreau expressing even more bitter hate and annoyance at the "unoriginality" of the ruins.

"Wow.... this is just too cliche. Seriously this is like every adventure movie to exist, ruins." Ethan complains.

"I agree 100%..... it's just boring old stone structures." Thoreau says.

The group continued throughout the stone structure, dodging various fire mechanisms, until they came upon a giant button that released a large amount of rolling, spiky thwomps.

"Well shit........" Tippi says, flying out of harm's way.

"It was at this moment that he knew.... he fucked up." Thoreau says, floating away as well.

"Ugh...." Ethan complains, following the pixls, until they can reach a door that allows them to enter a new room, with four blocks.

"Interesting....." Tippi muses.

"Is there a certain significance to these four blocks?" Thoreau asks.

"I'll see." Ethan says, switching dimensions to find numbers written on each block.

"Hmmmm.... each one is numbered." Ethan notices, and hits them in order, causing a giant staircase to appear.

"Clever.... now let's forge on. The pure heart is near.... I sense it." Tippi says.

"OH FUCK NO!!! I'M NOT CLIMBING ALL THOSE STAIRS!!!" Ethan retaliates, and uses his magic to float to the top, just like Tippi and Thoreau did.

"Ahhh, a super cherry blossom. This one heals more than a normal cherry blossom." Tippi says.

"Knew dis..... if the title isn't more obvious." Ethan says.

"There appears to be a save block, and a pipe." Thoreau points out.

"All right." Ethan says, entering the pipe, which takes him to a long, open desert landscape once more.

"MORE DESERT???? KILL ME NOW!" Thoreau rages.

"Well, its awfully quiet. Something's not right." Tippi suggests.

"I agree with both of you guys. Something's off." Ethan says.

"WARNING!!!" A deep, robotic voices exclaims.

"WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKK??????????" Thoreau asks.

"The voice sounded, menacing..." Tippi points out.

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