Prologue: The Quest To Save All Worlds Begins

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A tall, blue eyed young man in a fancy suit, with a cape, sat gazed through the window of his room in a large castle, gazing at the beautiful scenery just outside his very bedroom window.

"Ahhhhh.... how lovely. The universe gifts me with such a delightful, bright, and glorious day. Such a great addition to my life..... itself." The young man says.

"Good morning Blumiere....... Did you sleep well? I know your 18th birthday.... feast was rather exciting.... was it not?" An older, shorter, middle aged man asks.

"Yes, I had a rather peaceful sleep last night after the party.... Thanks for asking father...." Blumiere says.

"Don't mention it....... now, did you already eat breakfast..... my son?" Blumiere's father asks.

"Of course, father. Do you mind if I go for a walk outside..... It's such a beautiful day." Blumiere says.

"I don't see why not. Take as much time as you must....." Blumiere's father says, leaving the room.

"HAHA YES! Finally I can escape the boring walls of this castle, and get back into the ever such wonderous world I live in." Blumiere says.

Blumiere exits his castle, and walks through the pleasant, grassy plains. Admiring all he sees. Everything was going quite well, until he came to a cliff.

"Ahh..... what a lovely view." Blumiere says.

Suddenly, Blumiere trips over a rock, and falls off the cliff.......

He lets out a frightening scream, as he falls to the base............. 


Lady Timpani was out for a walk, admiring the beautiful wonders of nature, until she noticed an unconscious person at the base of a nearby cliff........................................


"than...........ethan...............ETHAN!" A voice shouts.

"Ugh......... where am I?" Ethan asks, confused.

Ethan notices he is no longer in a tuxedo, but in his casual outfit, and in a dark building, surrounded in a purple void.......................

"Tohru? Shawna? Ash? MLP Ethan? Red Fiend? WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?????" Ethan exclaims.

"I see..... you're awake." A butterfly says.

"OH MY GOD!!!! First some evil mastermind..... although admittingly handsome as well........ ATTACKS US..... and now a talking butterfly? AM I DEAD????" Ethan asks.

"No, you're not dead. In fact, you're very much alive......... We're in Count Bleck's castle." The butterfly says.

"Wait....... who are you???? ARE YOU WITH COUNT BLECK?" Ethan asks, prepared to fight.

"I am no enemy to you......... I am is what as known as a pixl........ a sort of fairy......... My name is Tippi........ and you are........ Ethan...... yes?" Tippi asks.

"Yes..... how did you know my name?" Ethan asks.

"I saw the wedding........... that was quite a brave move there....... But anyway...... I see it now......... He kidnapped a pure-hearted girl, and a ferocious king of all fiends and imps.......... he's already beginning to form the void." Tippi says.

"The.......... void?" Ethan asks, confused.

"Oh........ you must not know........ Did Count Bleck create the Chaos Heart yet?" Tippi asks.

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